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Summary: The Doctor rescued Phoebe in the nick of the time before the Daleks harm anymore.

"Subject A is ready for the final stage of processing" Dalek 3 said

"I will have you know I'm not your subject my name is Phoebe Stocks I'm from Gallifrey I'm a Timelord" Phoebe said

"Names are irrelevant you are our subject you will become one of us" Daleks 20 said

"I will never be like you because you wanted to know why I have humanity left in me I still have fear the Doctor will rescued me and destroy you" Phoebe said

"He will be to late to save you" Dalek 35 said

"Oh yeah Doctor you are standing right behind me aren't you" Phoebe said now for knowledge and the fact The Doctor was behind her because she felt him five minutes before she said all that

"Oh yeah" The Doctor said

"Mistress" K9 said

"K9 Blast the Daleks and Doctor will you get me out of this thing they were trying to turn me into a Dalek" Phoebe said

The Doctor unstrapped Phoebe was the machine the Daleks were going to use.

"Can you walk?" The Doctor asked

"No I don't think so I'm very weak lucky whatever they were doing my Timelord DNA fought back" Phoebe said

"Come Adric help with Phoebe put you arms around our shoulders" The Doctor said

Phoebe was leaned on the Doctor and Adric for support.

"Adric Nyssa Tegan get Phoebe to the TARDIS K9 stay with me while I deal with the Daleks" The Doctor said

"What are you going to do?" Phoebe asked

"Destroy the command deck" The Doctor said

The Doctor handed Phoebe over to Nyssa for support.

"Come on Phoebe the TARDIS is the other side of that wall" Tegan said

"I see your walking again Tegan I'm guessing my casts worked" Phoebe said

"Yeah you really are the head of your time" Tegan said

"Well your arm will take a big longer to heal but when I'm better I take that leg cast off" Phoebe said

Adric Nyssa and Tegan helped Phoebe into the TARDIS.

"What did they do to you?" Tegan asked

"I have no idea I called temporary paralysis take me to the Medical bay for the TARDIS wheelchair." Phoebe said

Nyssa and Adric helped Phoebe to the Medical bay she could the treatment she needed and the wheelchair.

The Doctor had blown up the command deck with the Doctor back in the TARDIS Phoebe made her way to the console room the only way to cure her was to take her to Gallifrey.

"Hey Phoebe how are you" The Doctor said

"I'm okay I'm temporarily paralysed I need to go to Gallifrey" Phoebe said

"Yes of course I don't really like going there because I know they will question about Romara" The Doctor said

"It was her choice to stay in E-Space yes she decided to get involved in a permanent sort of way" Phoebe said

The Doctor knew the only place Phoebe could get cured was Gallifrey I mean they would to face the High Council soon or later.

"Setting Course for Gallifrey" The Doctor said

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