The recovery

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Summary: Still on Gallifrey Phoebe gets close to Das and meets Damon Adric Nyssa and Tegan learnt how boring life on Gallifrey is.

It been less then 24 hours since Phoebe had been admitted to Gallifrey Medi Bay it was the best place for her right now the others were in Lord President Boursa quarters he had given them up for a few days.

"Doctor I being to understand why Phoebe hates Gallifrey so much" Tegan said

"Yeah they is nothing to do" Adric said

"Yeah for Phoebe it was pretty Academy and quarters again it why Phoebe and myself are very reluctant to return" The Doctor said

Medi bay

Phoebe recovery would take a maximum of 6 months before she could return back to travelling the universe once again this mean they would stuck on Gallifrey for awhile longer then planned.

On the plus side it gave Phoebe and The Doctor pently of time to catch up with friends Borusa wanted to make sure Phoebe was under guard while recovering she was being treated like a criminal.

Time was different of Gallifrey with two suns the atmosphere was different to Earth they were Six other Systems and Gallifrey ruled over them all.

Gallifrey was located in one of Phoebe and The Doctor favourite star systems Kasterborous in the Mutter's Stellian Spairal Galaxy also known as the Milky Way.

From orbit Gallifrey was rust-coloured with brown lakes and grey clouds from the planet's surface it boasted an orange sky at night snow capped mountains fields of deep red grass and trees with bright sliver leaves.

These reflected the morning sunlight making look like forests were on fire. There are also green forests golden forests and red deserts but overall it a much drier world then Earth. There also a river called Lethe. The wastelands around the Capitol are also referred to as outer Gallifrey by the Timelords.

Geographic features

Wild Endeavour [continent]
The Capitol
The mountains of Solace and Solitude
The drylands
The Death Zone
The Tomb Of Rassilon
Southern Gallifrey
The City of Arcadia
Mount Cadon
Mount Lung
Mount Perdition
Mount Solace
Mount Solitude
Mountain of Serenity
The Myridian mountains separated the Arcadian desert from the lowlands of Outer Gallifrey.
Rivers lakes and oceans
Cardonflood River
Lake Abydos
Lethe river
The largest city on Gallifrey is of course the Capitol sometimes also called Gallifrey or the Citadel and is home to most Timelords.

Arcadia is Gallifrey second largest city and there are two other cities called Olyesti and Slothe.

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