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Summary: After the accident Phoebe had worked hard now freed up she gives Tegan undivided attention for her to recover.

2 days later
Tegan had come round Nyssa had not left her side and Phoebe was back all Hospital ships were transporting patients to the intergalactic hospitals.

And being treated by the very best medics Phoebe had Phoebe was in the medical bay with Tegan.

"Good morning Tegan how you feel" Phoebe asked

"Like I have been injured" Tegan said

"Don't worry I will fix you up in no time might take awhile Gallfreyan Medicine not sure how it would work on a human how's the pain do you want to increase the morphine" Phoebe said

"I am a little sore" Tegan said

"That's normally but to make you comfortable I will increase your morphine drip" Phoebe said

"I'm alive" Tegan said

"Well your alive because of my medical skills you very nearly died" Phoebe explained

"Why do these all happen to me?" Tegan said

"Look Tegan we have no idea how a ship was able to crash though a forcefield the Pilot was found dead The Doctor Adric and Nyssa are investigating what happened while I stay here with you" Phoebe said

They were still on the planet Aggro because the Doctor being The Doctor wanted to do a full scale investigation to find out this happened.

"So much for a Hoilday" Adric Said

"Look Phoebe is staying in the TARDIS with Tegan plus she said she has some paperwork to do on this incident. Anyway I want to investigate how this happened so she's got some information for the intergalactic report she has to file" The Doctor said

"It just came down a crashed" Nyssa said

"Well Phoebe wants me to investigate as much as possible so she can help Aggro file a claim for there rebuilding" The Doctor said

Phoebe was good at filing claims in the universe after crashes like this she just need to make sure it was accident and not foul play.

Meanwhile in the TARDIS

While The Doctor Adric and Nyssa were investigating Tegan was Asleep in the medical bay Phoebe was in her office going over the accident paperwork.

After a big accident like this that required all medics to come out Phoebe had to file paperwork with the intergalactic medical board.

Accident Paperwork

Planet: Aggro
Commanding Medic officer on scene: Dr P Stocks
Number of Hospitals ships that attended: 40 Hospitals ship attended the scene with in 10 minutes
Information of accident: A spaceship crashed in the planet Aggro I was fortunately first on scene and I began giving orders I called for a emergency medical plan D as it was too big for me to handle.

We dealt with the most serious injury first then moved on to those less serious the Pilot is the ship was found dead I did a Post mortem and he died on impact The Co Pilot also died on impact the rest of crew where serious injured and were immediately transferred to the hospital ships.

Unfortunately 200 people died who were in the way of the crash site the minor injuries were dealt with at the scene and they were send home to rest.

The others are being seen to at the intergalactic hospital and once recovered they will return to Aggro via transport ships.

Dr P Stocks

That piece of paperwork was so annoying but it needed to filed Phoebe didn't Tegan in the report because they was no need to that was private matter the medical board never read this reports just filed them away.

Phoebe did all this paperwork in her laptop so was able to email it straight away.

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