Chapter 46

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GEORGIA SPENT another night at Sam's going over the events of the past few days. Tom Walcher figured prominently in Sara Long's activities. As Harry Perl's lawyer, he might also have been involved in a land deal that was, at the very least, suspect. He might have some connection to Derek Janowitz's death. Maybe even to the attempt on her life. At any rate, she had enough questions about him to warrant a closer look. But to do that, she needed help.

She woke up early the next morning, dressed, and crept out of the apartment without waking Sam. Twenty minutes later she was staked out down the street from the Walcher home. About 7:45 Lauren's Land Rover rolled down the driveway and turned onto the street. A few minutes later, Tom Walcher left too. Andrea Walcher was alone.

Georgia slid out of the Toyota. She was about to walk up to the house when Andrea Walcher emerged at the end of the driveway. She was wearing a fancy warm-up suit, and a sweat band was stretched across her forehead. She looked both ways, but didn't appear to notice the Toyota. She started to power walk down the street in the opposite direction.

Georgia followed her, hugging the trees to stay inconspicuous. But after a few minutes, Andrea broke into a jog. It was a crisp, sunny November morning, and Andrea was in good shape. Georgia was too, but her thick work boots and jeans slowed her. Within a few minutes Andrea lengthened the distance between them. Georgia abandoned her pursuit and trudged back to the car.

Thirty minutes later, Andrea walked slowly back up the street, breathing deeply, her arms pumping. Georgia waited until she was walking up her driveway. She stepped in front of the Toyota.

"Mrs. Walcher."

The woman turned around and looked at Georgia. A mix of emotions: surprise, recognition, and anger roiled her face. "Get away from me, or I'll call the police."

"That might not be a bad idea."

Andrea's eyes narrowed.

"I know about your brother Fred. And the land deal he was involved in."


"Someone tried to kill me, and it could be connected to the sale of that land. I need you to tell me what you know about it. And what role your husband played in the deal."

"You can't just show up here, make wild accusations, and demand that I talk to you. Who the hell are you? I won't do it."

"I understand completely. In that case, maybe you'd rather talk to the police. Or the State's Attorney."

A flash of panic streaked across Andrea's face. "You can't do that."

Georgia stood her ground. "Someone took a shot at me a few days ago. I haven't given them your husband's name. Yet. But I will, if you don't talk to me."

"What are you talking about?"

Georgia explained.

"You can't possibly think my husband was trying to kill..." she paused. "... you?" Her face was a mask of annoyance, but Georgia could see an underlying anxiety. Andrea fixed her eyes on Georgia. "What do you really want? How much?"

"I don't want a dime. But I do want to know who took a shot at me the other night. And who killed Sara Long. And if they're related."

"Related? How could they be? You're grasping at straws. People like you—you'll do anything to get at us. Take us down."

Georgia shrugged. "If that's the way you want to play it, fine. But you might regret that choice."

"Are you threatening me?"

Georgia tried to remember that rage was the flip side of fear. No one could sustain it indefinitely. "Of course not." She made her voice sound conciliatory. "It is in your self-interest to talk to me, Mrs. Walcher. There are things going on that aren't right. And your husband is in the middle of them. It might take me some time, but I will get to the bottom of whatever he's doing, be assured of that. This could be your last opportunity to help yourself. And your daughter."

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