J A X ?

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[ Have a Oneshot While You Wait for The Actual Thing ] AriTheBirdUwU

The theme song of the circus plays as everyone played their part.

Your key flicked from behind you as you foddled with your prop of an umbrella, twisting it around for your part of the intro.

The song continued as your key started to slow down, causing your movements to slow down aswell.

As the curtains shut around you, ylu reached for your key to wind yourself back up again, but failed.

Your eyes dimmed as they shut, your key stopped turning and your body failing back to its helpless and unmoving condition.

Jax took notice of this as he chuckled, looking over at you.

"Y'know you falling asleep everytine we do the theme song isn't very professional Dolly~"

He laughed, circiling you slightly taking a look at your key.

"What would happen if I stole this? It would be only fair, considering you've had stolen something of mine already. Try and guess what you stole, Dolly~?"

Jax asked with a slight slur to his voice as he takes your hand and places it where his heart should be with a grin.

"Your actually quite cute like this~" Jax chuckled.

He took some time to decide before deciding to wind your key by the slightest, giving it only a few slight turns before he pulled you down for a hug.

Your movements were slow, but you took immidiate notice as he does this, but being unable to move to protest.

" Jax, what are you doing .... ? "

You managed to ask ,  looking over at the purple rabbit.

" Don't worry, Dolly. " Jax smirked, his hands grazing over at your key, twisting it the wrong way, causing yourself to groan as he removed your key.

" You'll be alright. "  Jax grinned.

" Besides, when your unwound ..... "

Jax says, playing with your hair slightly.

" Into my arms your bound ~ "

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