K I N G E R ?

478 21 0


Kinger was an oddball.

I mean- he's probably been here the longest, thats for sure. He seemed to be a little out-of-the ordinary.

I'm guessing its because he prefers to stay in his pillow fort, or because he wants to see insects that probably don't exist here in the Digital Circus.

He's like a dad, its kinda funny how kooky he can be, but he's also pretty protective. Of you, rather than the others.

Maybe its because your one of the more fradgile people.

I mean, your a porcealin wind-up doll, all it takes as a hit and you'd go poof!

He acts fatherly to anyone anyway, helping Gangle whenever Jax ties their ribbons together, help Zooble find her mussing parts whenever they get lost, trying to help Ragatha with her fear of centipedes, the gist.

Though- with you he constantly checks up on you, making sure your key is secure, helping you with the acts.

It wasn't so bad, he needed some form of solace, and you decided to just put up with it for the sake of the both of you and Kniger's sanity.

You could barely remember what it was like having a dad, though he can be quite an over bearing parent.


" [ Y/n ]! Jax! We found the Zooble-hole! " Kinger cheered, pointing at the Hole in the ground.

" Great! Lets go get Zooble folks! " You smile, the parisol prop you always carried twirled in your hand.

" Where's Kaufmo? I hope he's still not mad at me for not laughing at his jokes.... " Gangle shakily spoke, wiping the tears from her tradgedy mask.

You gave Gangle a small pat on the head. " He's ..... fine. " You lied with a shrug.

" Yeah, as a matter of fact, Me and Dolly have never seen Kaufmo this happy before. " Jax said, sarcasm laced in his voice.

" Well , it's Nice to know he hasn't completely gone insane. " Kinger said, resting his hands where his waist should be.

Tou sweatdropped as you tried to keep your smile. " ....That- Kinger I don-- " Jax cut you off.

" He actually asked me to give you this! " Jax smirked, throwing a bowling ball at them.

" Huh- AHCG-- " Kinger grabbed Gangle's leg as the weight of the bowling ball pressed on him to Fall, causing Gangle to fall too.

" JAX-! Why would you do that?! " You huffed at the Periwinkle Rabbit infront of you.

" Quit whining, Dolly, besides, would you rather have them see Kaufmo? " He asled you with a raised eyebrow(?)

Jax then shrugged and hopped into the hole.

You grumble, before opening up ypur parisol and jumping into the hole aswell, your parisol slowing your fall Mary Poppins style.


As soon as you arrived , Kinger rushed over to check you for cracks.

" Are you okay?! No cracks no injuries?! Did the-- " You quickly cut Kinger off.

" I'm fine- I'm okay Kinger, its fine. " You sigh, closing up your parisol and once more letting the parisol's handle  rest on your wrist and smiling.

" Has Zooble been spotted yet? " You ask.

" No, not yet. " Kinger sighed.

You looked around and spotted Jax walking off to somewhere.

" Wh- Jax--! " You whisper-yell. " Get back here! We don't even know where we are!! " You reasoned, stepping forward to reach Jax.

Kinger grabbed ypur arm and pulled you back- of course.

" Relax Dolly, I'll be fine. " Jax smiled and headed off.

" JAX-! Oh my [ #@&* ]-ing GOD! " You cursed- something you barely did at the circus.

" [ Y/N ]! Language! " Kinger scolded.

" What- Oh- sorry. " You shrug.


" How futile-! How dare you selection of colorful characters make fun of my Royal figure?! " The Glounk Queen snarled.

You felt like throwing up at the sight of all the eyes on the gloink qyeen's head.

" Oh I'm sorry- wish you asked for our consent before showing us something so completely and utterly disgusting. " Jax shrugged.

Kinger noticed your discomfort and tried to avert your  attention to something else. He loiked around before spotting familiar colorful parts.

" Look its Zooble-! " Kinger said and pointed towards the direction.

This caught your attention, glancing over to where Kinger was pointing.

Sure enough, there was Zooble- in parts... being carried by multiple Gloinks.

" Argh-! Help me you idiots! " Zooble yelled over at you all with a small glare.

" Kind of rude Zooble, now I don't wanna help you. " Jax scoffed.

You huffed at Jax, then glanced at Gangle and Kinger. " Lets go-- " you cut yourself off when you see Gangle and Kinger do a quick Rock, Paper Scissors match- with Gangle losing, of course.

" Awh I always lose.... " Gangle murmured.

" Yes! " Kinger chants, before goi g over to the Gloinks and grabbing Zooble's head. " Gotcha! " He cheered, only for hus hands to also- be carried away by the Gloinks alongside Zooble's head.

You sweatdrop nervpusly as you saw the scene.

" Agh- HEY! KINGER YOU MOTHER FU-- " Xooble was then eaten by the Gloink Queen, causing you to gag, and Gangle to cry.

" Ah- oh dear it's eaten Zooble-- " You choked out.

" This is dumb- and weird. " Jax points out.

The Gloink Queen gasps, and struggled to answer. " Wh- But- YOUR STILL WATCHING IT! " The Gloink Queen yelled.

" I'm not really here for the adventure or anything, I'm just he-- "

Kaufmo fell through the roof of the Glounk Queen's lair- sending dirt and debrie everywhere.

Despite not having any hands, Kinger managed to push you away to not get hit by the debrie.

" Thanks Kinger. " You said with a smile and a sigh.

" WHAT IS THAT THING ?! " Gangle cried out. " Oh, it's just Kaufmo. " Jax shrugged.

You laugh nervously. " At least... he's okay with this ? " You shrug.

" KAUFMO ABSTRACTED ?! " Gangle yelled.


   > Kinger is strictly platonic with the reader as the reader is a young adult, about 24 or 25. <


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