Chapter Two

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"What do you mean my funding was dismissed?" Ella exclaimed, staring at the assistant director for the communications department in shock.

He let out a weary sigh and leaned forward, his fingers nervously tapping on a notepad. "I'm sorry, Ms. Tucker," he said, his gaze avoiding hers. "We were just informed that the funding was never actually released for your research." He took a deep breath. "By the time you accepted the offer to transfer, there was no more money left."

She blinked in disbelief. Ella blinked, the words sinking in like an anchor in her chest. Her funding was gone. She drove eighteen hours to a state she forgot even existed to continue her research and her funding was gone. Completely gone. The funding that Professor Clayton fought so hard to secure for her to continue researching had completely disappeared. Poof.


Ella knew that her research and topic were a bit on the niche and obscure side of communication studies. Her research delved into the intricate relationship between media representation, communication channels, and the public's perceptions and beliefs regarding cryptids. Yes, Crypids. Like Bigfoot and the elusive Mothman. In a world where most of her peers were studying mass media, social networks, and political communication, She had taken a decidedly unconventional path, and well, here she was paying the price for it

A strangled laughter bubbled in her throat. "So what? Do I just go back home?"

Dr. Halle, the assistant director, leaned in, his expression serious but sympathetic. He was an older man, with thin graying hair, and eyes that held years' worth of academic knowledge. Except, no, not really. He was just an old man. "No, Ella, we don't want you to go anywhere. Your research is incredibly important to the field of communication, and it's an honor to have you here conducting it at our institution."

Ella averted her gaze. If her research was so important to the institution, where did all the funding for her research go?

"I appreciate that, Dr. Halle, but without funding, I don't see how I can continue."

He leaned back in his chair, contemplating the situation. "Here's the deal," he began, "the communication department has allocated $1500 to support your research. It's a start, but we'll need you to secure additional funding to cover the rest. I believe in your work, Ella, and I'm confident you can make this happen."

"Okay," she couldn't bring herself to say thank you to his compliment. "But what about my housing situation? I've been staying in the dorms."

Dr. Halle offered a reassuring nod. "Your housing will remain free for the rest of the year. We want to ensure that you have the stability you need to focus on your studies."

Ella smiled lightly. It was the closest thing to a 'thank you' she could muster at the moment. how am I going to come up with the rest of the money?"

He leaned forward again, his eyes locking with hers. "We've got an overnight shift position at the university library," he said. "It's a great opportunity to earn some extra money while keeping your days free for your research. It might be a bit of a juggling act, but we believe in you."

You wouldn't have to have all this faith in me if my funding had been released. She thought disdainfully.

He slid the flyer across the desk. As she picked it up, her eyes fell on the homemade poster. The word "HIRING NOW" was scrawled across the top in bold, uneven, Comic Sans font, and it was obvious that this flyer had been put together by a student who wasn't exactly skilled in graphic design. The words were a little too big and a little too close together, there was a rough sketch of an open book and a laptop. Below the amateurish artwork were details about the overnight position at the university library, including the hours, responsibilities, and contact number.

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