Chapter 2

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I jogged over to where Ketura was standing and waiting to enter Akim's car so he could drive the girls back to Nella's place.

I'd only just met her, and it was awkward to be this interested in a nineteen year old when I was twenty-two and liked to believe I was into more mature ladies, but she had caught my eye as soon as I walked into the arcade a few hours ago and we'd been briefly introduced to each other.

As the minutes wound on in the B.A.K. booth, there was undeniable chemistry electrifying the space between us. All night as we all sang and got to know each other, my eyes refused to stay off her. Even when I tried to flirt with her sister Aisha, my mind would go to her, hoping she was jealous that someone else was getting my attention, but she paid us no mind as she went with the flow and engaged with everyone else.

After a while, the group began to disperse, with everyone deciding on what they wanted to do. I'd found myself with Ketura, Aisha and Chimwemwe, the four of us trying to decide on what to eat. Chimwemwe, half drunk and caught up in his own thoughts all night, insisted on getting tacos, which Aisha was also interested in, but Ketura was in the mood for McDonalds' fries and a cajun chicken burger.

"I'll go with you to McD's." I'd told her, getting an eyebrow raise from Chi and narrowed eyes from Aisha.

"You'd better keep her safe." she'd said, turning to walk in the direction Chi had gone in to find the tacos he so desperately wanted.

We were finally alone, just the two of us, and typically, I'd turn the charm on at high heat to ensure that I made an impression on her, but I found myself relaxing in her presence, listening more than I spoke, actually paying attention to what she was saying, and noticing things about her that I typically overlooked in any other moment like this.

There were certain girls whose backsides I'd be able to recognise before their faces, but I sat there paying attention to the way Ketura's mouth curved when she said something funny or silly, the way her eyes lit up when she got more ketchup than she'd expected with her meal, the way her voice rose and dipped depending on what she was saying. Something in me knew that I'd just stepped into potentially dangerous territory, but I couldn't bring myself to control myself or redirect my thoughts.

We'd talked about several different things, but hadn't once gotten personal as we finished our meals in Akim's car, which I'd borrowed. Not once had the thought to take things down a more steamy path crossed my mind. Just being in her presence and getting to know her through her opinions and interests had been enough for me.

Now, I stood there feeling uncharacteristically nervous and wondering what magical spell she'd cast on me to have me so hooked from nothing but conversation.

"Uhh, so..." I started, quickly looking behind us to see how far everyone else was from us. They were all strolling, taking their sweet time to get to the cars so we could head home. "I enjoyed talking to you tonight."

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