Chapter 10

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Reader discretion: This chapter contains sexual descriptions. Please read with caution.



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"Wow, Koffi. I can't believe you've actually fallen for someone." Cheyenne said after I relayed every detail of the past couple of months to her.

"What do I do, Chey?" I asked, my face contorted into desperate confusion. "I don't do relationships, but I really like this girl."

She shook her head some more, completely baffled by the way I was acting.

"Koffi!" she said firmly, pointing a finger at me. "You have found someone who's hold on you is strong enough to make you break nearly every single one of your rules. You go out of your way to spend time with her, you take her on dates, you admitted to liking her, and you haven't had sex in over two months because of her. You might as well break the no relationship rule too."

"But Chey," I said, "what about my career?"

She rolled her eyes and shook her head. "You want to miss out on a life altering experience just to advance your career?"

"Life altering?" I started. "That's a bit much. I don't think life will be that much different if she and I put a clean end to all of this. I'll tell her it was a great few weeks, but now it's time to go our separate ways. My life will go back to normal, and it will be like the last two months never happened."

I knew this was a lie as soon as it left my mouth, and Cheyenne knew it too. She stood, not caring to secure her robe around herself as she walked to stand right in front of me.

"If that's the case," she uttered softly, "you'll have no problem undressing me. It's been more than two months, I bet you miss me."

I sat back and stared at her, trying to awaken the desire to do it. She was right there, within arm's reach, her body possessing the same magic that had kept me coming back to her time and time again over four months. I knew this body, had memorized every single spot that made her melt like butter in my fingers. I knew her scent like it was my own, knew the right spot to kiss on her neck to elicit the sexy, low moan in the back of her throat that sounded like sweet music. All I had to do was stand and pull her into my arms. But...

"I can't do it, Cheyenne." I sighed, my head dropping. "I can't do that to Ketura."

Cheyenne smirked and tied her robe more securely now. Taking a few steps back, she said, "Go, Koffi. Go get your girl."

That's how I ended up driving back to campus at two in the morning. I didn't call or text. I didn't even know what I'd do if I got there and couldn't reach her, but logic was never really a part of the love equation, now, was it?

My heart was pounding as I made the call once I got to her building, the nerves at an all time high.

Am I really about to do this?

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