Chapter 19

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"Aww, how are they growing so fast?" Nella said to Namiko through her phone as I prepared a light lunch for us in her home. I'd decided to pay her a visit and treat her to a day of giving her whatever she wanted.

Luckily for me, she'd mostly been eating healthy foods that were fine for me to eat, so I didn't have to laboriously prepare two separate meals.

I walked around the counter to stand behind Nella and get a peek at Lala and Dada (as we'd gotten used to calling them now). Namiko had set up her phone in a way that you could see her seated cross-legged on her bed. Ifelayo was sucking determinedly on her right breast while her sister seemed to be looking at her surroundings from where she lay comfortably on Namiko's lap.

"Hey, Kay!" Namiko said with a big smile on her face.

"Hi, Mama Miko!" I said, returning her smile. "How are you guys doing?"

"So far so good. Our moms are helping us out a whole lot. I don't know what we'd do without them. Akim is already such a dad. And he's so attached to the babies. I had to force him to get out of the house and hang out with his friends."

Nella and I laughed at that and I marveled at the beautiful scene in front of me. The group's first babies. For a moment my mind traveled to the future. I imagined many more babies between the eight of us. All of us coming together for joined playdates and fun family gatherings.

The crazy thing about that mental picture is that I saw myself with Koffi. For years, he was the only one I ever saw myself with. He was the only guy I'd ever let into my life the way I had, the only man in the world who knew me as intimately as he did. My romantic experience started and stopped with him, and now that we'd both admitted that we wanted to give things a try eventually, I hoped that wouldn't change.

We talked more with Namiko, watched as her mom and mother-in-law came in to relieve her of her mom duties for a second. Watched as her husband walked back into the room and gave her a kiss with the same love and passion we'd seen him express for years now. Akim greeted us after that, telling us he left the guys early because he missed his wife and kids. One thing that no one could doubt was that Namiko was being loved right, and that made both Nella and I very happy.

"Any progress on the Koffi thing?" Nella asked me after she hung up the phone.

"We had an interesting conversation the night Namiko gave birth." I shared as I plated our food. "We're rebuilding what we had, I guess. Slowly. I don't want us to jump into anything while I'm still sorting through my mess."

Nella's smile was bright and compassionate when she said, "I'm pretty sure no one understands that more than me. If you ever need to talk about things, don't hesitate to reach out, okay?"

"I'll definitely do that." I said. "Why don't we start now? Were things awkward when you and Sani got back together after that stint of time apart?"

"They got awkward when we took the time to sit down and talk about everything that happened. I was heartbroken over him watching the video and having to explain that to him made things hard for both of us."

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