Arriving and Memories

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-Normal Pov-

Arriving at Mr. Holloweds house, everyone was shock at when they pulled up.

"They call this a house?" Monk and Ayako said at the same time as they looked up to the building that was a manson.

"Up know hurry up and un pack whilst me and Lin go and great Mr. Holloweds at the front door before he shows us all were base is" Naru's voice was heard from behind them as well as the sound of the back doors to the van opening before rustling was heared, when they turned round they both saw Mai climbiing into the van before carefuly handing the equipment to John and Yasu who were waiting for her to pass them to her.

Mai looked up to say something to Ayako and Monk when once she saw the house properly her whole body froze which caused Monk and Ayako to look at each other before looking behind them at the house then back at Mai who was still frozen.

"Mai, what's wrong?" Ayako asked as she made her way over to the girl who still steared at the house.

When Ayako placed her hand on Mai's shoulder the girl seemed to snap out of what ever it was that she was in. When looking at Monk and Ayako she noticed the worry for her in there eyes before smiling brightley at them whilst saying "this place looks familiar to me thats all" but what they all didn't know was that they were all being watched by more then one figure.

-With Lin and Naru-

As they were walking up to the front doors, Lin couldn't help but get the feeling that they were being watched. Turning his head in a way that nobody would know he was looking around Lin noticed a dark figure hiding in the shadows that went around the house.

'Strange' was all he thought before stopping when he noticed a familiar painting that was hung up on the wall.


"But Lin i don't want to have it done" a little voice spoke earning the Chinese man to look down at the owner of the voice before smiling.

"Why not your father and mother want it done,and you don't want to make them said now do you?" Lin replied back to the child whilst picking them up.

"Of course not Uncle i would never make them or you sad" was the child reply before they both heard the sound of someone walking towards them before a familiar voice was heared

"Well, well here i see my daughter and my brother. Are you to planning on running away so your picture isn't done bluebear" 

Looking up they both looked at him before the child jumped out of Lin's arms whilst shouting "PAPA" before jumping into his arms which caused the two adults to laugh before they started walking to the room were the artist was waiting so he could paint the picture of Lin's brother and his family whilst Lin watched from behind the artist smiling.


Lin was brought out of his thoughts by someone who was talking to him "beautiful isn't it" the voice said but all Lin could do was stear at the painting of his brother and his brother's family before nodding his head then moving to catch up with Naru with out looking at the person who had spoke to him.

Mai was walking into the house when she noticed the perosn who was stood next to Lin as he steared at the painting that was hung up on the wall.

As Mai looked closer to the person stood next to him she noticed that she could see right throw him, 'Lin's being followed by a ghost?' was all she could think about before Monk grabbed her arm and dragged her towards the base which Naru and Mr. Hollowed was going towards as he dragged her.

After everything was set up Mai could help but watch Lin as he worked on his laptop, She was about to say something to him when she suddenley started hearing someone whispering in her ear.

Looking around to see who was next to her she noticed that no one was sitting next to her so she just liened back on the sofa and listened to what they were whispering to her.

'Leave, you're in danger'

'It isn't safe here'

But the one that caught her attention more then the others was 'There's different spirits in this place' before all the voices stopped whispering in her ear.

Lifting her head she looked at the other before looking at Naru who was reading in his black book of his, standing she made her way over to Naru who lifted his head when he noticed Mai was walking towards him.

"Naru there something i need to tell you" was all Mai said before the light and every equipment started going of and on like crazy.

Shooting up from there seats Lin and Naru started looking around like someone was about to pop out on them from somewhere but that all stopped when they all heared the sound of a blood drainging scream coming from one of the rooms near them.

Running out of base the three of them ran towards were the scream was coming from were they meet up with the others who were walking around the place but when they looked to see on of Mr.Holloweds workers standing their whilst pointing into the room made them all look but when they did John, Yasu and Masako ran to the nearest bathroom were they threw up what they had for lunch, whilst Ayako, Bou-san and Mai's colour drained from the face as they steared at the dead body of one of the other workers there.

"Lin call the police" was all Naru said whilst looking at the body that had been skinned fromthe bone as well as some of there orgins were missing but by the look of it Naru and Lin notice that the body was a week old which was proberably what made the others sick.

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