Sparks = Flames

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-Normal Pov-

Some time later Naru started to sturr alarting Lin, Monk, John, Yasu and Ayako who were already awake from their earlier event.

"What happened" he asked when he noticed Mai and Masko where still asleep.

"When Mai was going to tell you something that she thought of the lights went out which then we were knocked out, we've checked the cameras and it seems that someone here doesn't want us here" Monk said as he made his way over to a seat after being check over by Ayako.

"There like that on all our case, Bou-san" Yasu stated in a humor voice which earned him a glare from the Monk himself but before Naru could tell them to shut up they all heard loud screaming which caused them to all run out of the room and towards and none of them had noticed that they had left two girls unprotected in their base area until they had reached the place were the screaming was coming from.

"What's happening" Naru asked when he saw one of the co-workers stood their in another one's arms shaking at what she had just found, making his way closer to what looked like a figre that was on the floor, Naru saw what they female worker saw that made her like she was know, their infront of them was someone who worked their but the only problem was that they had been hacked to death that badly that you couldn't recognise who it is let alone know if it was female or a male worker cause they were hacked that badly.

"Naru-bou what's. . . .omg i think i'm gonna be sick" was what Naru heared from Monk as he rushed to the nearest bathroom to throw up with Ayako following to make sure he's alright, whilst Yasu went all pale, looking like he was about to pass out and John who did a cross sign over his chest before saying a little pray for them whilst Lin stood their in shock.

After Monk had finished empting his stomace he had noticed that they had left Mai and Masako in a base unprotected, facing Ayako he whispered "we've left Mai and Masako" but before she could say anything to him they heard an all to familior scream coming from the base area which earened all of them to run towards it whilst shouting "MAI", "MASAKO" from different people.

The only problem was that when they had reached the base they were blocked from going to the room, but they could see into it and what they were seeing was something they didn't want to see, there infront of them was the ghost of a Samurai Soldier and he had Mai by the throat whilst pointing his sword at Masako who look scared out of her mind as her eyes went from the sword and to Mai who was losing air, fast.

-Mai's Pov-

I had just whoken when i noticed that the room was empty part from having Masako their on one of the sofa's still uncouncies from what ever had hit us.

I went to lien over to wake Masako up when it all happened so fast as the next minute i was pinned up against the wall with someone's hand around my neck which caused me to scream before the hand tightend which the scream had whoken Masako up who turned to look at me but stopped half way as there right infront of her was a sword that belonged to the person who was strangling me.

"You discuss me witch" the person tightening his hand around my neck whispered as they moved there head towards me so they were now looking at me instead of Masako and just as i looked up i also noticed the rest of S.P.R were stood outside the door watching but as i looked closer i also noticed that there was some sort of barriar blocking them from coming in.

I looked at the person who had me pinned on the wall before a deep male voice that sounded familior came into my head 'remember Mai, Sparks = Flames' before fading away again.

I looked into the mans eyes before it was forced into one of the memories that i had forgotten when my parents had died.


"Mai sweetheat why don't you go ask your father to help you practise today" mother spoke softly whilst pushing my gently out of the kitchen, it was my 5th birthday and mumma was planning something in the kitchen so i made my way over to my fathers office.

Knocking i slowly opened the door before peeking in only to see my daddy looking right at me "bluebear what's the matter" he spoke softly to me whilst sigling to me to come in.

"Papa could you teach me something new?" little me asked which caused him to smile whilst he picked me up before placing me on his knee were he then said "of couse bluebear shell i teach you about how to controlle and summon fire today, instead of water?"

"Yes please, papa"

"Well then, consentrate on the paper in my bin and think of sparks foarming around them" papa whispered into my ear whilst watching me closely as i did what he said when he then said loudly "now think of it burning" and when i did the paper in his bin went into flames which caused me to squeel whilst jumping up and down on his knee causing him to laugh as he lifted me up and hugged me.

"Now bluebear you are stronger then you think, one day you will have someone who is stronger then you who will be looking out for you, so when ever you need them after you found them just shout their name and they will be their but always remember Sparks = Flames"

"Sparks = Flames, got it papa" Little me said before running out of papa's office as i heard mumma shouting for me.


Coming back to the present the saying 'Sparks = Flames' kept running through my head as i looked deeply into the dead mans eyes everything changed, it felt like someone else was controlling my body and not me.

I just kept looking at him as he lifted his swords over his head and just as he brought it down, i felt a smirk being placed on my face as the next thing i now i'm on the other side of the room, away from this thing which with me doing that made it mad.

"You . . . . YOU WITCH" it shouted before lunging at me but even before it could reach me it burst into flames as the flames were released from my open hand that was pointing towards it shocking me as well as the others that watched as the thing turned into ash like it woud if you were killing a vampire.

'Sparks = Flames bluebear' the voice of my father spoke though my head before it dissapeared once again as i welcomed the darkness that was begging for me to let it take me, which i did as i used all my energy on what i just did.

But the last thing i thought before i welcomed the darkness was 'Sparks = Flames, thank you papa'

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