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-Mai's prov-

I've just changed some of the camera's in this place ans still haven't bumped into Gon as I made my way back to base were everyone was.

I walked into base and saw that there was only Madoka, Lin and Naru int there 'great' was all I thought as I made my way into the kitchen to make a drink and yes I was not talking to Madoka after what she did to Gon.

-Normal Prov-

Mai made her way over to the sofa which Madoka was sat on as well but didn't say anything to her, Lin or Naru.

Madoka watched Mai walk over to the seat next to her whilst thinking of what to say to her, as she and the other now that Mai was mad which made them all curious to why.

Masako was walking down the hall with John and Monk in quiet before the Monk started speaking

"Is it me of is Mai mad at us all?"

John and Masako turned their heads to look at the Monk but Masako was the one who replied back.

"Why wouldn't she, you all were mean to her, yet none of you was there in the pass so you really have no idea what actually happened when Lin's brother died, plus you don't even know her so how do you know she killed his brother, for all we know someone else might of killed him and his wife, Lin wouldn't know because he go there later, remember?" was all the medium said before walking away with John leaving Monk.

He stood there in his thoughts thinking about what Masako said to him.

-Back in Base-

Lin was sat at the monitors next to Naru but all he could think about was his brother and his death.

It's been 2 hours know and everyone was in base talking, part from Mai who was mad at them, Lin and Naru who was watching the monitors still where Lin was thinking to himself, but what brought him out of his thoughts by his phone ringing.

Picking his phone up without looking, he answered it on the second ring.


"WERE THE HELL IS SHE!?" a familiar voice shouted through the phone causing Lin to pull the devise away from his ear.

Pulling the phone back to his ear, Lin answered the back

"Where's who?"

"Gon, where the hell is she Lin-san?"

"I have no idea where she went and for all I know I don't care" was all Lin said before hanging the phone up on them.

Naru had heard the conversation between Lin and the person on the other end of the phone.

Before looking at the monitors as he went through then to see if he could see her. Half way through checking the monitors, Naru notices that she was walking past the camera that in fact heads up to the roof.

"Lin she was heading to the roof." Naru whispered before getting up and heading over to some files that were on the table before saying.

"Mai, Tea."

Mai without looking at anyone got up and left the room just as Ayako came through the base door.

Mai was waling toward the kitchen when she noticed one of the workers that worked here was dragging something down the corridor, stopping just outside of the kitchen door.

Mai looked at the man before speaking

"Do you need any help sir?"

The man, jumped master being startled before turning to look at her before replying "Oh no thank you ma'am. The master just asked me to move some of his statues."

"Oh okay. Em you wouldn't of happened to be on the roof recently would you?" Mai asked after remembering what Naru had whispered to Lin

Mai looked at the man as his face lost color before he replied back to he slowly "...why?"

"Oh it was just that one of my friends was waling towards the roof and she hasn't come back and I was hoping you've been up there recently."

"Oh, well I went up there to get the new statue the master has but I haven't seen anyone up their, you sure you friend didn't go home?"

"Probably, anyways I better make my boss his tea before I get fired." Mai said before going into the kitchen where she then started making Naru's Tea, not being aware of the smirk the man wore, before he started dragging the statue away and also the Red eyes that have decided to follow her.

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