2: Weird Names

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After I walked away from 'Ricky Bowen', I made my way to the gym, and then to the bleachers. I know I have a pretty confident, intimidating front, but here's the best way to put it.

What can look like a brick wall, can just be a printed picture of one, and can be so easily knocked down.

That's me.

So there I was, the transfer girl from Florida, a sophomore, sitting alone on the bleachers, with a thousand other kids sitting with their friends.

"Gina Porter. May I sit?"

"Ricky Bowen. Go for it. Don't got friends here, so the bench is all yours." I say, looking curiously at a boy with red hair beside him.

"Big Red."


"My name. I'm Big Red."

"Got it." I nod.

"You're not laughing." He pointed out.

"This is my fourteenth move. I've heard some weirder names."

"My name is Miss Jenn." Someone cut in over the sound system. "I'm the new drama teacher, and this year, we are putting on a show that East High has somehow never put on.

High School Musical."

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