10: I Am Never Going To Let You Go, Ever Again

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Tonight is the night of the show.

I definitely need to talk to Gina tonight. And maybe Nini too. But especially Gina.

We've gone on too many outings together to count, just us, and if we're doing all this stuff unofficially together, why not make it official?


I get to school for the second time that day. That usually would not excite me at all.

I mean, it's a Friday night. Am I really wanting to spend it back at school singing and dancing cringe songs?


I mean, not three months ago, but that's then, and this is now.

"Gina?" I ask, running into the dressing room. We had planned to meet here ten minutes early.

"Ricky." I hear suddenly. I turn around to face Nini.

"Not right now, Neen, I-"

"It's about Gina."


"I was talking to her last week at the sleepover, and...there was something she didn't tell you."

"What? What are you talking about?" I ask skeptically.

"Ricky, her mom got a call."


"You know her job."

"No." I emphasize.

"Ricky, she's gone."

I stood theee in silence, holding him in my arms.

"It hurts." He suddenly said, tears rubbing down his face.

"I know."

"It hurts so bad."

"Ricky, I know. I love her. And I think you do."

"Yeah." He said breathlessly.

And for some reason, that didn't hurt.


It can't be.

I'm not gonna see her today? Ever again?

Why didn't she just tell me!?


R: I just heard the news. I wish I could've heard from you.

R: That doesn't matter now though. How are you?

R: There's no way for you to be here?

R: I was going to tell you something really special today. I guess I'm too late.

R: Maybe if I had told you sooner, things could be different.


Showtime. In five minutes. And no Gina.

"So who is supposed to be Taylor?"

"I know all her lines, coincidentally!" Tanya Freeman shouted out.

"Oh shush." I said, holding my head in my hand.

"Kourt, Taylor is a total nerd. You could pull off holding the script the whole show, right?" Miss Jenn asked panically.

"Maybe...maybe- or Gina could just do it!"

"What!?" I asked. Why would she joke about that when it's a sensitive subject right now- oh.


"Gina!" Without thinking, I ran over to the girl, enveloped her in the tightest hug, and spun her around probably three times.

She was really here.

"Ricky, I missed you too, but we have a good three minutes 'til show time and I'm in costume."

"Oh, God. Come on!" I kind of forgot to set her down in the process, forcing her to just wrap her legs around my waist and burst our laughing as I made my way to the back hallway.

"What are we doing back here?" She asked.

Ashlyn ran out with the costume, handing it to Gina, and physically moving me to face the other way.

I sensed Gina's blush, and formed my own, to be honest, as I heard things hitting the floor.

"I'm sorry I didn't text. I wanted to surprise you, and all of the Caswell's pitched in to get me a plane ticket back."

"I wish I could've helped." I frowned.

"I didn't want you to."

I sighed, not having a response.

"Don't worry about I Ricky. Being with you is enough."

I felt hands on my shoulders, turning me to face her, and wow she looked gorgeous.

"Can I?" I asked, looking down to her lips. I didn't want to freak her out, but I couldn't keep it in, not anymore.

"You know by now I never have, but I wouldn't mind- mm."

I pulled away, her face left agape.

"I'm sorry if I was no good-"

🎼 *Rina cue* 🎶

"You're perfect. Gina, you're amazing, and you've intrigued me since the moment I first entered this school heartbroken. And now you're the obvious choice. No, forget that, you're the only choice. Gina Porter, will you make me the happiest version of myself and be my girlfriend."

"I'd love nothing more."

"You could say you're...what I've been looking for." I sang.

"So cheesy." She laughed, slapping my chest.

"Ricky! On stage in 20 seconds!" Natalie Bagley screamed.

And as I ran on stage, I heard from the distance:

"Break a leg! I love you."

She really is...what I've been looking for.

What I've been looking for {Rina, COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now