Ilvermorny and Hogwarts repartition ceremony

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I'm standing in front of the gate of Ilvermorny with my suitcase in hand. Isobel, the headmistress of Ilvermorny came to greet us at the gate and we follow her inside the school. It's big and the interior look luxurious. When we enter the hall, we can see four big statues. It's the statut that will separate us into the different houses. I also see senior students of the school on the balcony. I remark they all stare at me. And they bow down. Why? The headmistress who saw how surprised I was discreetly tells me to say rise. I do and they all return to their position while still looking at me.

-"Madame Jasper, could you please tell me what happened i'm confused."

Amused she replies: -" Inside this school invisible charm and others spells and potions to camouflage something or somebody doesn't work so they saw your crown. They also sensed your aura, and can tell your the Queen of creatures. Most of the students have a small creature in them, you will learn in this school the different creatures and their origins."

I think I want to see if the invisible cape can work here.
-"Oh it explains that" I look at the students on the balcony and say: " Please don't bow to me anymore, i'm here to study not to reign the school. I would really appreciate it thank you all." It's true i'm not here to reign and when they bowed it made me feel a little uncomfortable, i'm not used to it.

The ceremony then began.

I was the last one to do it, courtesy of the headmistress and the students. I go in the circle between the four statues and wait a little. All fours statues made a move. The Horned Serpent illuminates the crystal on his forehead and his horns straighten, the
Thunderbird flaps his wings and his eyes shapen, the wampus roar and stands on two feet while the Pukwudgie raises his spines in the air. The headmistress chuckles and tells me I will be in all houses. It's normal for students to be chosen by one or two statues but four was never heard of before. I'm special. The students claps their hands and the ceremony ends. A house elve shows me where i'll be residing.

It's a huge room with a fireplace to use when I want to go in the black manor or return to Ilvermorny. The ceremony was held the night and we ate outside the school so it was already time to go to bed. I summon my pets(I sort of formed a contract with the help of Death and now I can summon them. It is convenient when i'm far from them and I need them. They can also contact me from their minds and I too can do it). After preparing their places to sleep, i close my eyes.

 After preparing their places to sleep, i close my eyes

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(The houses and their characteristics).

The morning I woke up at 6 a.m. School starts at 8:30 a.m and breakfast at 7:30 so I have time. I do my morning sports (just some gymnastics and musculation. Also some training in fencing. I don't have the time to do more). I shower, put some clothes and head to the dining room. I see some students are early like me. It's only 7:25 a.m so there isn't any food. I look around and remark the houses are all talking together and are mixed on a big table. There are other tables but they are together. It makes me smile. It's good to see rivalry and friendship rhyme together not like at Hogwarts. We're not wearing any uniform so how do you recognise the different houses you may ask. Simple, for the first years I already memorised their faces and names yesterday. For the others they simply wear a bage with a statue which represents in what houses they are. We first year will have it in classes today.

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