Crossover Chapter 5: Dino Charge Red's Mission towards another Future

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is Crossover Chapter 5 of this story and with that said, let the reading begin.)

Ace P.O.V

"After teleporting to where the final relic and Super Ranger is located, Ace recognizes the b place to be the Emerald Forest outside of Beacon Academy. He follows the signal heading away from the academy..................
Ace: "At least no one will know I'm here, just have to focus on finding them."
.....................he was interrupted hearing explosions and screaming for him to look seeing Vale under attack by Grimm along with Beacon Academy being attacked too. He couldn't believe what is happening right now, but focuses on his mission. He runs in the direction with fighting being heard, he arrives to see Jace fighting enemies from a long Ranger past:

 He runs in the direction with fighting being heard, he arrives to see Jace fighting enemies from a long Ranger past:

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Ace: "It can't be. Putties? But, they're Zed's putties and he was destroyed a long time ago. The must think Jace is Tommy, he need help. Unleash the Power!"
.....................he morphs in his Ranger form to rush in hitting three of them in the Z part of their chests knocking them back until they broke apart.....................
Jace: "Ace, is that you? Thank goodness you're here, these Golem Soldiers are tough."
Ace: "They're not Golem Soldiers, they're Putties. Power Ranger versions of your enemies."
Jace: "That explains the sounds they're making and that they look different with the Z on their bodies."
Ace: "That's because these are Zedd's Putties, they're stronger than the regular versions. They think you're the Green Ranger."
Jace: "As in a Power Ranger?! I am NOT a Power Ranger, I am Dragon Ranger of Zyuranger. I'm sure there's a difference."
Ace: "I don't think they can tell the difference. The Z on their chest is the weak point. Hit those and they'll break apart."
Jace: "From what I saw you do I believe it. Let's get them!"

3rd P.O.V

.....................they rush in attacking the Putties while blocking attacks from them, Ace spin kicks one to punch three more knocking them down following up with jumping in the air kicking two of them in the weak point to break apart.....................
Ace: "T-Rex Kick!"
.....................he does a butterfly kick hitting more at the weak point with them exploding. Jace jumps in the attack them while blocking and retaliating with attacks for the Putties to be easily defeated. He jumps in the air kicking five of them at the weak point which they explode from the attack, after some time they defeated them looking around to see no more.....................
Jace: "Boy am I glad Zedd isn't an enemy of mine."
Ace: "Tell me about it. We're not the only ones to encounter enemies like these."
Jace: *looks at him* "What?"
Ace: "My team was sent at different locations to find you, your team, and the Relics and along the way defeated enemies of Power Ranger's past appeared."
Jace: "Defeated enemies? How?"
Ace: "I don't know, but do you have the Relic?"
Jace: *shows him* "I got it right here."
Jace: "Then let's get outta here."
.....................explosions happen around them to look seeing something land away from them revealing another defeated enemy of Power Ranger's past:

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