《ťhê ñêwš》

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Lewis who are you? Who is Lewis?
Gabriella what?
[She turns over to look at her dad]
What do you mean who is Lewis? Your name is Lewis and my name is Gabriella, gabby for short and I'm your best friend...ah it seems you're not fully recovered [she lifts up her four fingers] how many fingers am I holding up?[Lewis slaps her hands off]
Lewis what do you mean? I don't know you,why am I even here. Mr? Are you my dad? [He asks Mr kelvin]
Gabriella you don't remember me? You mean to say you don't even remember what happened to you and your par...
Mr kelvin Gabriella!! [He cuts her off] this is not the time[he walk towards lewis] Lewis are you okay?how do you feel?
Lewis I don't know, confused maybe. So who are you?
[Mr kelvin scratches the back of his head and let's out a deep sigh]
Mr kelvin this is bad...um Gabriella can we talk outside for a sec, Lewis please relax and rest some more we'll be right back.[ Gabriella follows her father out of the room as she sits on the bench in the hallway and her father follows suit].
Gabriella dad,what are we going to do now,it seems like Lewis doesn't remember anything. Shouldn't we tell him what happened?
Mr Lewis [shakes his head in disagreement] we can't tell him what we saw in the news about his family, especially now that he's still recovering from a shock. So let's not make hasty decisions yet.
Gabriella so when can we tell him dad,we can't keep it hidden forever ... what if he regained his memory sooner than we expected?
Mr Lewis [holds her hands with his left hand and pats her hair with his right] we should probably talk to the doctor about it first,will that make you feel better?
Gabriella yes [she nods in approval and smiles at her father].[they met the doctor and he invited them over to his office and offered them a seat].
Dr matt hello I'm doctor matt.
Mr kelvin I'm kelvin[shake hands]
Dr matt nice to meet you, so how may I help you.
Mr kelvin I'm here for the kid in room 4.
Dr matt oh...are you his guardian? Dad i presume?
Mr kelvin ah...no,I'm a friend of his late dad who passed away suddenly so I'm representing his dad since he has no one and he seems to have lost his memory. He doesn't even remember his name.
Dr matt is that so? I'll go check on him now.[He leaves the office straight to room 4 and they followed]. Hello Lewis,how do you feel? Do you feel any pains?
Lewis no I don't.
Dr matt do you feel dizzy or any headaches?
Lewis no I don't.
Dr matt alright I'll just run a brain scan to make sure you're okay. Mr kelvin he doesn't seem to have suffered physical pain or whatsoever but I'll have to run some scan to check for any damages in his brain or skull.
Mr kelvin okay dr matt.[He walked out of the room to prepare for the scan and the Lewis was asked to follow a nurse. After a while Dr matt walks towards Mr kelvin ]
Oh... Dr matt, so is there any problem?
Dr matt so far there's no damages on his scull or his brain, he just seems to have suffered a trauma which is causing him to experience memory loss.
Gabriella so is it permanent?
Dr matt no kid? Well Lewis is experiencing a rare type of amnesia called a dissociative amnesia.
Gabriella what does that mean?
Dr matt like I said before,it's a disorder that stems from an emotional shock or trauma. It can result from being a victim of a violent crime or other kind of trauma. This disorder causes some people to lose some personal information and memories about thier lives including thier names and age.[Gabriella looks up to her father with her face full of pity as he brings her closer to him and pats her head]
Mr kelvin will he likely regain his memory sooner?
Dr matt well in some cases, some patients regain thier memory slowly although it'll take some time so you just have to keep an eye on him for now. Ah...and also he would also need your help to do that,you should take him to places he has gone to and give him things he loves the most,that would also help him.you need to take him to the therapist after he's regained his memory.[proceeds to leave but comes back immediately] also... he can get discharged today,I'll take my leave now I have other things to attend to.[He leaves].
Mr kelvin thank you Dr matt. [ Mr kelvin and Gabriella walks into room 4].
Come on Lewis,let's go home.
Lewis I'm not going anywhere until you answer me, who are you?
Gabriella I already told you... I'm your best friend, look if you really don't remember me then I'm going to have to smack you on your head till you do.[she raises her hand in attempt to hitting him as he tries to dodge but her father stops her immediately]
Mr kelvin Gabriella calm down you know its not his fault he lost his memory so take it easy with him. What we should do now is helping him not hitting him okay.[she nods]
Lewis I'll explain everything to you when we get home okay,but for now you need to rest properly and eat good food,okay?
Lewis okay.

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