《diversity 》

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Mrs hannah calls Lewis and Gabriella downstairs over to the dining for an early breakfast before they all leave to thier various destinations. Lewis appears at the dining before anyone as he sits to have breakfast, he picks a spoon and Mrs hannah taps him on the shoulder.
Lewis good morning Mr kelvin and Mrs hannah.
Mrs hannah good morning Lewis,go get Gabriella to come downstairs before you dig in.[Lewis nods and walks over to her room as he knocks on the door].
Gabriella come in Lewis.
Lewis [opens the door and walks in] how'd you know it was me, I didn't even say a word].
Gabriella I know it's you by the way you knock[ she says as she fixes her hair while looking at the mirror].
Lewis How do i knock?
Gabriella you knock twice then pause for a second and knock three more times and then pause for another second and knock twice again, that's how you always knock ever since I've known you.[she sits on her bed trying to put on her shoe].
Lewis seems like we were really close.
Gabriella yes we were, so what do you want?
Lewis your mom wants you to come downstairs and have breakfast.
Gabriella I'll be right there as soon as I've put on my shoes.[she says as she struggles to put on her shoes].
Lewis [sighs] loosen your shoe lace.
Gabriella ah...hehe...I forgot about it again,thanks for reminding me.
Lewis whatever you say dummy, I'll be downstairs.[He leaves]
Mrs hannah where is she?
Lewis she'll be down soon, we need to give her time to put on her shoes.
Mrs hannah [places her hand on her waist and looks upstairs with a disappointed face]
Did she forget to loosen the lace again?
Lewis uh huh, but it's cool now,I reminded her.
Mrs hannah that's so sweet of you Lewis.[she proceeds on filling up two lunch pails with food and juice cans with strawberry juice and orange juice. Gabriella rushes out of her room and walks over to the dining table as she sits next to Lewis. She picks up a fork and stabs a pancake with it cutting a piece of it and Dipping it into her mouth].
Gabriella dad,please I need you to hurry up you know I hate being late to school.[she finishes two pancakes and a cup of smoothie in a haste and rushes to pick up her lunch pail].
Mrs hannah Gabriella I hope you don't get an upset stomach today.
Gabriella I'm fine mom,[she notices another lunch pail and stares her mom in confusion, she ignores it and proceeds to her lunch pail into her backpack and attempts to hang her bag before her dad suddenly grabs it].
Dad come on, let's go.
Mr kelvin um...hang on young lady,firstly I need to have taste of my wife's delicious cooking before leaving and secondly where do you think we're going without Lewis.[He said still holding onto her bag].
Gabriella [glares at him confusingly]. What are you talking about?
Mrs hannah From now on,you and Lewis will leave for school together and come back together.
Gabriella he is?
Lewis  I am?
Mr kelvin  yes he is. And you'll be attending the same school.
Gabriella what?[She yells with her eyes wide open]. Mom is that why there are two lunch pails instead of one?
Mrs hannah yes, the one with the strawberry juice is for Lewis,you said he likes strawberries.
Mr kelvin there's no need to be all surprised honey, just think of it as helping him socialize and regaining his memory.
Lewis [raises his hands signaling the stop sign] helping me? I do not need any help from her, I can handle myself.
Gabriella [nods In approval] yes dad,he's right... and also he only attends the best school in America and mine is the 3rd best, you can't send him to mine dad.[she argues].
Mr kelvin gabby your school being the 3rd best has nothing to do with this, as long as it's also a good school it doesn't matter. Lewis go get dressed and let's head out, I don't want you to be late on your first day.
Gabriella but dad?
Mrs hannah Gabriella listen to your dad.[Gabriella stomps her foot and folds her hands aggressively, she glares at lewis and he completely ignores her as proceeds to get changed.  They arrive at the school gate and Mt kelvin drops them off, they gets off the car and stood facing the gate.]
Gabriella are you sure you can cope here with me? [She asks Lewis as she hangs her bag forwards,right on her chest].
Lewis why do you ask? Do you really hate the fact that I'm attending the same school as you?
Gabriella yes...yes I do.
Lewis you really hate me that much?
Gabriella not if you interpret it that way, look I don't want you here because then I have to compete with you even in studies, and you should know that I'm unbeatable when it comes to grades.
Lewis [sighs and places his hands on her shoulder leaning on her]. How about we go in and find out,huh...what do you say?
Gabriella [pushes him and turns to look at her father as he hurries into his car to avoid any further arguments with her] dad![she yells but he turns on his car engine immediately]. Why does he have to attend my school...I mean...if it's for him to regain his memory,shouldn't he attend his previous school instead.
Mr kelvin gabby I don't have the time for this, I'm going to be late for work.
Gabriella [stomps her feet] but dad! [She yells again as Mr kelvin drives off immediately].
Lewis [waves at him as he leaves] wow, you really really don't want me here.[He asks as he follows her into the school].
Gabriella yes I don't, because this kind of place doesn't suit you.[she answers without turning to look at him].
Lewis why do you think so?
Gabriella [stops walking and turns over to look at him] you once said you don't belong here because it's cheaper and smaller than your school, you also said there were no swimming classes enough to separate the good and bad swimmers and I don't even understand what you mean by that.[she fires and continues walking]
Lewis I really said that? If I really did say that then being here is not a good idea.
Gabriella [stops walking and glares at him] that's exactly why I don't want you here!! [She fires].
Lewis [smirks] you seem to be really annoyed,you really hate me being here. There's nothing you could do now because I've decided to stay.
Gabriella what... what do you mean?
Lewis what I meant was that I really enjoy seeing you get annoyed this way,so I've decided to stay... in this school... with you. So you really need to buckle up so I can enjoy my stay here and also...would you mind wearing your backpack backwards, you're embarrassing me,it's not like your still in elementary school. [He concludes as he walks away leaving Gabriella with utmost shock and raging anger standing on the stairs to the corridor. She ignores him and walks into her class room sitting at the left side of the front row while Lewis sat at two sits behind her].

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