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[Ariving at the vice chairman's study,director kelvin was seen leaving the chairman's study.]
Kathryn who's that?
Secretary he seems to be your father's close friend ma'am.
Kathryn I had no idea the chairman has a close friend.
Secretary let's go in, he must be waiting.
[The chairman's door was opened by a body guard as they walked in, Nathan's standing facing the chairman whom was staring at the kid so obviously and curiously] we're here sir.
Mr Daniels oh...uh..Kathryn come over here,look at this kid.
Kathryn [looks up at Nathan as she gave the*what the hell is going on* sign to him while he raised both of his hands towards his shoulder and bent his lips] hey kiddo [she pet's the kid head] who is he?
Mr Daniels do we look alike?
Kathryn huh... wait are wondering if he's your son or not? Is he yours?
Mr Daniels I asked you a question!.
Kathryn well judging from the nose and ears, he definitely came from you. Hey kiddo, what's your name?...[she gets no answer from him].
Mr Daniels is he Deaf?
Kathryn let's find out. [She uses sign language to communicate with him but still gets no response] well I'm guessing he's either deaf and dumb or he was born stupid.
Mr Daniels well that proves that he's not mine, I've never been stupid my whole life.
Nathan relax he's not deaf,dumb or stupid, he's just shy. I spoke to him earlier and he didn't answer till after I gave him my laser zhweilander sword. And he said "wow....cool!! I love laser swords" [he mimicked].
Mr Daniels [opens the last drawer in his desk and picks up 2 tin soldiers. He gives it to the kid and stares at him with much curiosity to see his reaction]. You'd love this.
Andrew wow!!! Do you have more?
Mr Daniels [excited after hearing the kid talk] no [he smiles and chuckles like an old man] that's all I've got, but I can send them to get you more of those.
Andrew can I keep it-can I keep it?[ He says,looking very excited].
Mr Daniels yes!yes you can.
Andrew thanks daddy.
Dr Daniels [was stunned for a short while and giggled after wards,exposing all the hiding wrinkles on his forehead] mattew...did you hear him? He just called me daddy.
Secretary yes sir, congratulations sir.
Nathan [turns to look at the secretary immediately and back to his sister with a slightly disgusted face] what? [He whispered]
Kathryn he's so old fashioned [she whispers back to Nathan]. Hey kiddo... what's your name?
Andrew andrew [ he answer immediately]
Kathryn andrew...that a sweet name. How did you know he's your dad?
Andrew my mom told me,she gave me his picture too and a note to give to him.[He dips his hand in his back pocket and brings out a rumpled picture that was folded and a small rumpled note. Mr Daniel collects it and opens the note first .
"He just turned seven today, take care of him till I get back" and at the back of the note was another writing "I thought you might've forgotten his face, the picture is just a reminder" He immediately opens the folded picture as he's eyes widened and his hands begin to shake]. Ooh..a man at the airport asked me to give you this [he opens his backpack and brings out a small black box and a key as he hands them to the chairman with a note placed between the top of the key] he said you used to be close friends.
Mr Daniels [receives the box whilst shivering in fear] thanks kiddo, go hang out with your siblings we'll go shopping after daddy's done with work. [He signals the secretary to excort them out,the secretary led Nathan and Andrew out leaving Kathryn behind after she glared at him].
Kathryn are you okay? You don't look too good. What does the note say?
Mr Daniels it's nothing. I have just been having bad headaches for some days now, I'll be fine after some rest.
Kathryn okay...if you say so. Make sure you get some rest okay?
Mr Daniels [nods as he watches her leave. He walks over to his desk and sits on the desk-chair behind the desk table. He drops the box and key on his desk as he pondered to open it or not while his elbow rested on the table and he relaxes his chin on his hands] [he picks up the key and pulls out the note that was placed between the key-head and opened it
"Your son turns out to be well mannered unlike you,the cute little thing doesn't even know that the father he's going to meet is a murderer. Oh wait-his kids don't know either right? You deceived them after killing thier father, and you had the odacity to have a child. How would it feel to see someone that calls you daddy being stabbed 13 times in the chest. Don't get too scared, I've got a little gift for you. Open the box and find out what it is. "

[He opens the box with the key and brings out two envelop from the box, under the envelope was another note. He opens one of the envelope and inside it we're pictures of Mr leins murder and a flash drive. He flings the pictures out of shock,he pants over and over trying to catch his breath,he opens the second envelope with a picture of Andrew stained with blood displaying a hole pierced in it directly at Andrew's chest and on top of it was a writing "13 good times". His anxiety increased. He inserted the drive in his computer and played a video. It's a video of Lewis running out of the house after seeing his parents lifeless body on the ground. He opens the note in the box.
"You thought he went missing and would probably be dead right? Have you ever imagined if he was actually coming for revenge after what you did to his family? What if he saw everything? I guess I might not be the only one planning to kill you then".
Kathryn [knock...knock] [she opens the door and walks in immediately, she see the photos on the floor] what's this? [She picks it up] are you still searching for who killed my parents and kidnapped my brother? I thought you had given up.
Mr Daniels [immediately hides the notes and Andrew's picture in his jacket while she stared at the picture] w...why..why would I give up when my own brother was murdered. [He stutters].
Kathryn [glares at him] do you really not know who did it?!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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