Remember That Time We Got Intertwined In A Gang War?

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Tempest, Kewmed and Leo are running away from a gang of jocks


-"I mean I didn’t think it would be that big a deal. Besides, running builds character!" Kewmed answered

"JUST SHOVE IT AND RUN!" Leo yelled.

*3 hours earlier*

"So, what’s the plan for today?" Roufail asked.

-"Well I owe some money to a guy, and I’m going to discuss some payment, you guys wanna be my wingmen?" Kewmed said

-"What kid of guy-" Leo attempted to ask before getting interrupted by Roufail

-"Aight bet where we meeting?"

-"Paper St. in one hour." Kewmed exclaimed

-"I guess that’s a plan. See you lot then, I suppose." Tempest said reluctantly.

-"You didn’t answer me!" Leo told Kewmed.

-"See ya." Kewmed didn't really care about Leo's opinion.

Epic transition to Paper St.

-"Where’s Constantine?" Leo asked Tempest

-"He said he’ll be here in a minute. But I’m surprised you even bothered showing up."

-"Someone needs to supervise you guys."

-"Yeah keep telling yourself that."
More time passed as the two of them awkwardly stood around, thinking about who Kewmed owed money to.

-"Hey dudes. Where’s Roufail?" Kewmed asked upon finally arriving.

-"Running late as per usual I assume. Let’s call him." Leo said.

-"Hey guys, I’m on my way, I’m next to the school, should take me 5 minutes." Roufail responded.

Five minutes passed.

-" So that was a lie." Tempest exclaimed.

-"Can’t keep the boss waiting any longer, this is some serious biz." Kewmed said as he started walking away.

-" Boss? What is this, the mafia?" Leo asked before getting met by the same lack of response.

Epic transition to the Boss' office

-"Welcome back to the jock mafia, Constantine." the "boss" said.

-"Of course it’s the mafia." Leo was too tired from all the walking to care about this situation at this point.

-" Here to repay your debt?" the boss asked.

-"Well I’m kinda short on cash, so…"

-" So you’re gonna sell us these kids?"

-"Exsqueeze me?" Tempest said.

-" No these are my guys. Is there anything I can do?" Kewmed asked the boss

-"Why is he so chill about this?" Leo whispered to Tempest.

Tempest just shrugged.

-"Well theres sumn’ you can do…" the boss said.

Phone ringtone
Leo picked it up.

-"Hey guys where you at? I took the Tram, I’m outside the place."

-"What tram  you imbecile, you said you were five minutes off!" Leo told Roufail.

-" Five minutes off the station yes."

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