Remember That Time We Played In The BBC Basketball League

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It was a normal day at school. The boys had P.E. and they were playing basketball alongside a kid named Tom.

Tom was a tall, fit dude who was obsessed with basketball.

-"Come on man... THAT'S TOO EASY!" He kept yelling out every time he scored.

-"Bro you're not LeBron, shut up." Kewmed kept telling him every time he did that.

-”Come to think of it, why don't we ball more often?” Roufail asked. 

-”Apparently, Kewmed, Tempest and Manos don't really like basketball that much after a certain incident. Don't know what that's about.” Leo answered. “Though Manos is over there so feel free to ask him.”

Roufail then walked to Manos who was sitting on the sidelines to ask him what happened. 

-”That… Was the day my heart was forever sharted.” he explained. 

-”Don't you mean shattered?”

-”That's what I said.” Manos had not realized his major grammatical mistake. 

-”Hey guys why don't you also hop in the court?“ Tom asked them. 

-”Meh, sure.”

-”I’m horrible at sports, I think I'll pass.”

Roufail and Leo replied, in that order. 

The former started playing alongside the others while the latter kept standing in the sidelines. 

What everybody hadn't realized, or, didn't care enough about to realize, was that Manos was delivering a 5 hour long monologue explaining why he doesn't like basketball and life or something. Idk I didn't pay attention to him either and I'm literally the author lmfao. 

The boys were balling as normal, while Manos was ranting to the bored Leo about how cool the color Black is or whatever. When suddenly, a mysterious duo appeared and confronted them. 

-”Hey, Tom.” one of them said. 

-”Aw shucks.” Tom exhaled. 

-”Who are they?” Tempest asked Tom. 

-”They're the Marmeladides Brothers. They play basketball against me sometimes and always lose.” Tom explained, before insulting the brothers “Hey losers, if you wanna get sweeped again you can just ask me! I'm always available!”

-”Hey! We don't lose, we just get careless and let victory slip past our fingers. Besides, Tom, we have a proposition for you and your little team here.” Both of the brothers said at the same time. 

-”Damn, what crazy synchronization.” Leo commented. 

-”What does the proposition entail?” Tom asked. 

-”Face against us in the BBC Basketball League!”

-”The WHAT?!”

-”Huh? You don't know about the Brutal Basketball Championship League?”

-”OPEN WITH THAT NEXT TIME!” All the boys yelled out at the same time. 

-”No way, their synchronization is spreading.” Leo commented once again. 

-”Anyways. What even is that horribly named league? The only basketball league I care about as a future Hall of Famer is the NBA.” Tom said. 

-”You are NOT LeBron!!!” Kewmed yelled from a distance. 

The brothers then began explaining. 

-”Well it's more or less just a normal basketball game. Only difference is, it's us two versus whatever team of 5 full people we decide to face off.” 

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