Remember That Time Our Dog Was Taken Hostage

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It was a normal day in the Tempest household, his mom was out drinking coffee with her friends, which left Tempest to deal with his little brother; Koulis and their French bulldog; Dobina.

Dobina was sleeping, but Koulis was in a much wilder situation. 


-"Jesus dude could you quiet down? I'm trying to sleep here." Tempest told Koulis. 

-"But it's literally five PM, how the hell are you even drowsy now?" 

-"I slept at nine AM, and don't you dare judge my sleep schedule because we both know the only reason you're awake right now is because you pulled the sixth all-nighter in a row." Tempest called out Koulis. 

-"Man shut yo dumbass, hating ass up. Besides, you have to get up either way." 


-"To come to my birthday party. Mom is gonna come any minute to take us to the place we agreed it'll take place." Koulis explained. 

-"And why do I have to come?" 

-"Just get off your lazy fatass already, damn." 

-"Fine" Tempest said reluctantly. 

The two brothers got ready and a few minutes later their mother arrived to pick them up. 

-"Why are you bringing Dobina?" Tempest asked Koulis, who was carrying the dog to the car for some reason. 

-"We're going to a mountain, and I figured this would be a good opportunity for her to lose weight." Koulis answered. 

They were, in fact, not going to a mountain, but rather a park that happened to be near a hill. 

Tempest was too bored to deal with Koulis, so he just went on with it. 

Tempest’s Mom was blasting music at max volume throughout the entire car ride, which rendered Tempest unable to take his well-deserved, much needed nap. 

Alas, after about half an hour of driving, they had arrived. 

-"Where the hell are your friends?" Tempest asked Koulis. 

-"I dunno, I told them the party would be happening at a mountain." 

-"HUH? You literally only told them we'd meet up at a mountain?! That is not clear at all, and again, we aren't even on a mountain right now!" Tempest was absolutely bewildered by Koulis' complete inability to plan. 

-"Shut up you literally look like the baby of a British person and a rotten tomato. Besides, we don't need my friends, your friends are more interesting anyways." Koulis said. 

Despite the fact that Tempest had only invited Roufail, Micheal decided to pop up anyway. The brothers knew better than to try figuring out how the hell Micheal found out about a party he wasn't even invited to, so they didn't even get surprised by his appearance. 

-"Why did you only invite me though?" Roufail asked Tempest.

-"I didn't even want to come here, the only reason I invited you was so that I'd have someone to watch over Koulis for me." Tempest answered. 

-"Couldn't you have given that responsibility to someone else?" 

-"Kewmed would arguably be worse than letting Koulis all alone, meanwhile Leo would probably figure out my plan." Tempest explained. 

The party was going... About as well as a party with only four people and a dog on top of a hill could go, when suddenly, a dark figure appeared at the top of the hill. 

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