Chapter two

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Jenna stood in front of the glass barrier; her eyes fixed on the note that the patient in the opposite room had left for her. A mixture of sadness and understanding washed over her as she read the sharp words written in haste. She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before penning her response.

"I sincerely apologize if my previous message seemed presumptuous or intrusive. I didn't mean to overstep, and I certainly don't claim to know your struggles. I only wanted to offer support and kindness in the hopes of brightening your days. I'm sorry. - Jenna"

Emma's eyes flicked over the note that Jenna had left, her expression impassive. She read the words of apology, but her resolve remained firm. Ignoring the note, she turned away, refusing to acknowledge the genuine remorse conveyed in Jenna's message. The invisible barrier between them seemed impenetrable, and Emma continued to distance herself, maintaining her guarded stance.

Days passed, and Jenna found herself at a crossroads. She couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt. She wanted to make things right.

She knew this was a risk. She understood that her persistence could be interpreted as intrusive or unwelcome, but something in her heart told her to keep trying. Or, at least, to fix what she had done wrong.

So with each new day, she continued to leave notes. But this time, she was more cautious.

Each morning, as the sun's golden rays filtered through the hospital room, Emma would wake up to find a new note waiting for her.

"I'm sincerely sorry about the other day. Is there any way that I can make it up to you? - Jenna"

Emma remained cold and distant, choosing to ignore the note as she had done with the others.

She stared at the message for a moment, her expression unchanged. The note held no power to sway her resolve, as she remained locked within the confines of her own guarded world.

The next morning, Jenna, still persistent, composed her next note with a glimmer of hope in her heart. She carefully penned her words, seeking to bridge the gap that had formed between them.

"Good morning! I hope you're doing alright. I understand if you're still upset, but please know that it was never my intention to intrude. I was just hoping to make friends. I'm sorry. - Jenna"

Emma's gaze fell upon the note left by Jenna, her expression unchanged and icy. The words seemed to wash over her, leaving no trace of impact. She scoffed silently, dismissing the attempt to break through her defenses as nothing more than a nuisance.

"Hello again. I hope today brings you a moment of peace, even amidst the challenges. Take care :) - Jenna"

Jenna's words were gentle and unassuming, a simple message meant to convey warmth and genuine concern. She carefully crafted the note, mindful of the boundaries and the need to respect the patient's next room's space.

"Still receiving notes from Jenna?" the nurse bringing Emma's breakfast asked, her voice filled with a gentle warmth that contrasted with the sterile hospital room.

Emma glanced up from her tray, her eyes meeting the nurse's inquisitive gaze. She sighed softly, her expression guarded as she replied, "Yeah, every morning."

The nurse leaned against the side of the bed, her tone softening with empathy.

"You know, Jenna has been in this hospital for quite some time. She's such a sweet girl, always trying to brighten up the day for others. It's just... she's been alone for so long. Her sister rarely visits, and I can't help but feel a bit sorry for her."

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