Chapter nine

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Days had passed since Jenna's transfer back to her room from the ICU, yet the toll of her illness was unmistakable. As Emma stood outside Jenna's room, her heart sank at the sight of her friend's weakened state. Jenna's once-vibrant spirit seemed to have dimmed, her physical presence bearing the weight of her illness.

Unable to enter the room due to the nature of Jenna's sickness, Emma settled for the only connection they could have a phone call. Holding her phone tightly, Emma dialed Jenna's number, hoping to bridge the distance that separated them.

As Jenna answered the call, their voices were filled with equal parts longing and concern. Emma's first question escaped her lips, laced with a mixture of worry and tenderness.

"How are you feeling, Jenna?"

Jenna's voice, although weak, carried a hint of resilience.

"I'm hanging in there."

Emma's heart ached as she listened to Jenna's response. She knew they both knew that. Jenna's words only scratched the surface. Deep down, they both understood that Jenna's condition was far from well.

Silence lingered for a moment before Jenna ventured a question of her own, her voice filled with vulnerability.

"Were you afraid, Emma?"

Emma's mind flashed back to the haunting images of Jenna in the ICU, surrounded by doctors in full-body protective gear. The memories of that momentary glimpse into the severity of Jenna's condition resurfaced.

"I trembled."

A gentle smile tugged at Jenna's weary face, though weakened by her fragile state. Despite the toll of her illness, Jenna couldn't help but tease her friend, drawing strength from their playful banter.

"I thought you weren't one for sentimental stuff," Jenna said, her voice laced with a playful tone.

"I'm not," Emma replied, her voice carrying a hint of amusement.

"This is just a temporary lapse?" Jenna asked, her voice playfully laced with skepticism.

Emma chuckled softly, her laughter mingling with a mix of relief and worry.

"This is just a temporary lapse," she repeated, playing along with Jenna's banter.

Their shared chuckle echoed through the phone, a brief respite from the heaviness that surrounded them.

The following night, as Emma stood outside Jenna's room, she couldn't help but notice the glass door in Jenna's room that led to a balcony. Curiosity got the better of her, and she approached one of the nurses stationed nearby.

"Is there any way I could go to Jenna's balcony?" Emma asked.

The nurse shook her head.

"Without going into Jenna's room, it's impossible."

A determined look crossed Emma's face as she contemplated the situation. Then, an idea struck her. She remembered the balcony of the room she had occupied during her own confinement at the hospital.

"What if I go through the balcony of the room I used to stay in?" Emma proposed, her voice filled with anticipation.

The nurse hesitated, realizing the lengths Emma was willing to go for her friend. She understood the depth of their friendship, having witnessed it firsthand. After a brief pause, the nurse relented, knowing that denying Emma this opportunity would only dampen Jenna's spirits further.

"All right," the nurse finally conceded.

"But please be careful."

With the nurse's assistance, Emma made her way to her old room, filled with anticipation. The nurse opened the glass door leading to the balcony, and Emma stepped out onto the familiar space, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and concern.

From her own balcony, Emma looked across to Jenna's balcony. With careful steps, Emma moved along the edge of her balcony, eyeing the gap between the two balconies.

Taking a deep breath, Emma propelled herself forward, leaping gracefully across the narrow divide. Her feet landed softly on Jenna's balcony, and a surge of joy coursed through her veins.

Emma's knock on the glass door caught Jenna's attention. Startled, Jenna turned her gaze toward the sound, and her eyes widened in disbelief as she spotted Emma sitting comfortably on the balcony outside.

"Emma? How did you get there?" Jenna's voice, weakened by her illness, trembled with surprise and a glimmer of hope.

Emma smiled warmly, pressing her hand against the glass door. She reached for her phone and dialed Jenna's number, holding it up to her ear so they could communicate.

"It's a secret," Emma mouthed playfully, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Jenna's weak laughter filled the room as she picked up her phone, her voice filled with gratitude and curiosity.

"Tell me, tell me!"

Their conversation continued, their voices carrying through the phone. Although still separated by the glass door, the proximity made their interaction feel closer and more intimate.

As they continued their conversation, gazing at the stars above, Jenna commented on Emma's advantage of being outside, where the view of the night sky was clearer. She playfully warned Emma to watch out for shooting stars, expressing the possibility of one appearing before them.

Curiosity sparked within Emma as Jenna mentioned the idea of making a wish upon a shooting star. She couldn't help but wonder what Jenna would wish for in that moment. Then she questioned herself, thinking that perhaps she was being foolish to even wonder about what Jenna's wish might be. It could be anything a wish for healing, for world peace, or something uniquely Jenna.

After a moment of quiet contemplation, Jenna broke the silence with a question.

"If we ever see a shooting star, what would you wish for?"

I would wish for you to live one day longer than me, so I will never have to know how it would feel like to lose you.

With a bittersweet smile, Emma leaned against the glass door and replied,

"You know I don't believe in such things."

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