Chapter three

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The following day, as the nurse arrived with her breakfast, Emma mustered the courage to make a simple request.

"Excuse me, Nurse," Emma began hesitantly, "Could you do me a favor? Can you leave this on the table of the patient there in the other room?" She pointed at the glass barrier that showed Jenna's room, and held out a notepad she had, knowing that Jenna mentioned running out of paper.

The nurse hesitated for a moment before shaking her head.

"Oh, to Jenna? I'm sorry, but no one is allowed to enter her room. It's for her safety and the safety of others."

Emma's curiosity was piqued.

Then it dawned on her.

She had never seen anyone enter or leave Jenna's room.

Even the nurses seemed to have a system in place, delivering food through a small window and collecting the trays once she was done.

A sense of intrigue washed over Emma as she wondered how the doctors and nurses tended to Jenna's needs without physically entering her room.

"If you'd like, you can leave the notepad on the tray when I bring her food later." The nurse spoke.

Emma nodded in understanding, her mind spinning with a mix of fascination and intrigue. The notion of a patient who seemed to exist within a secluded realm, separated from the outside world, sparked her curiosity even more. She couldn't help but wonder about the reasons behind Jenna's isolation and the unique care she received.

Jenna sat on her bed, her curiosity piqued as she watched her meal tray being delivered through the small window. To her surprise, it was accompanied by a notepad, placed carefully on top.

Intrigued, Jenna opened the notepad, flipping through its crisp pages. On the very first page, she discovered a message, neatly written in someone's handwriting.

"I don't want you to blame me that you ran out of paper. And please, don't call me gummy bear. – Emma"

Jenna's surprise turned into a subtle smile, tinged with a touch of amusement. Emma. So that was her name. The patient occupying the room opposite hers was called Emma. She now had a name to associate with the person she had left notes to.

Emma's attention was drawn to a gentle knocking sound on the glass barrier. She looked up to see Jenna standing by the other side of the glass, holding a note in her hand. With a soft smile, Jenna pressed the note against the glass, ensuring Emma could read it clearly.

Curiosity piqued; Emma approached the glass barrier. The note read:

"Hi, Emma! Thanks so much for the notepad! This is the first time that the hospital food came with something that got me excited.
And no, I certainly wouldn't blame you, and I didn't say that I ran out of paper for you to give me this, but I'll still keep this, you can't take it back now, okay? Thank you again! Have a nice day! – Jenna"

Emma's gaze met Jenna's through the glass barrier, and her expression softened ever so slightly. A faint hint of warmth flickered in her eyes, briefly betraying the cool exterior she had grown accustomed to. She acknowledged Jenna's note with a nod, appreciating the gratitude expressed in the heartfelt words.

Her response remained true to her nature, as she mustered a small smile that played upon her lips. "Sure thing," Emma mouthed softly, her voice barely carrying beyond the glass.

Emma watched attentively as Jenna reached for a fresh sheet of paper. A new note was quickly scribbled, and Jenna held it against the glass, her eyes filled with curiosity.

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