Chapter seven

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The moon cast a gentle glow over the world, painting the night sky with a myriad of twinkling stars.

Emma once again cradled the phone in her ear, the familiar voice of Jenna resonating through the quiet of her hospital room. Together, they embarked on their nightly ritual of watching the celestial ballet unfold above.

As they gazed at the heavens, their conversation meandered like a gentle breeze, carrying them deeper into the realm of shared experiences. Emma's curiosity sparked; her voice was laced with a hint of intrigue.

"Jenna, your voice sounds nice. Do you sing?" she asked, her eyes tracing the constellations above.

Jenna chuckled softly, her laughter floating through the phone like a delicate melody.

"Sometimes," she replied, her voice tinged with a touch of modesty.

"Singing is just something I do when the mood strikes."

Emma smiled, a now familiar warmth flickering within her.

"Maybe you should consider performing for a living," she teased, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"Maybe in another life, I'm a singer." Jenna played along.

Their conversation meandered further, exploring the depths of Jenna's musical inclinations

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Their conversation meandered further, exploring the depths of Jenna's musical inclinations. Emma's curiosity piqued once again, her voice taking on a slightly softer tone.

"And what about instruments? Can you play any?" she inquired, her words showing a genuine interest.

Jenna's response held a tinge of nostalgia, and Emma couldn't help but feel a pang of empathy for her.

"I used to play the guitar and the piano. Music used to be a part of my life, but I'm stuck in this hospital now with no access to those instruments." She sighed.

"I miss it."

Emma felt a flicker of understanding igniting within her. She imagined the melodies that had once danced from Jenna's fingertips, yearning to bring them back to life.

"We can't let this hospital rob you of something you love," she murmured, her voice gentler than before.

At that moment, Emma's heart stirred. She might not show it openly, but Jenna held a special place in her heart-a soft spot amidst the harshness of her world.

"There's nothing we can do about it." Jenna softly said.

Emma's gaze intensified, her eyes searching the night sky as if seeking guidance from the stars above. The weight of Jenna's words hung in the air, a reminder of their limitations within the confines of the hospital.

But then a glimmer of hope sparked within Emma's chest. Her voice, usually tinged with cold detachment, carried a quiet determination.

"Jenna, the doctors told me... I can leave the hospital the day after tomorrow," she shared, her tone betraying a mix of sadness and anticipation.

Chasing Stars (Emma Myers X Jenna Ortega)Where stories live. Discover now