Chapter 10 - Uncle Titan

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When we got home, Estrella and Fengari were waiting excitedly. I saw four bags on the floor, presumably gifts for Starla. Cynthia went through and showed the four the new member. Estrella and Fengari cooed as Alanzo smiled, but Titan winced slight. I glared at him, making him tug at his collar.

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"Sorry, I just don't like babies," he said. I unsheathed my claws as I towered over him.

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"So did I, but I got over it. So if you don't, your ass is on the street!" I scolded. He nodded slowly. I backed away, crossing my arms to show I wasn't playing. And to sneak Cynthia a little gun-show. Starla was very sweet to Estrella and Fengari, which were fangirling as much as Cynthia was. Cynthia then went to Alanzo and Titan, letting them see her. Alanzo held a finger to her which meant he was good on my list. Estrella and Fengari were annoying, but I knew they would be great with her. Alanzo too, as he was already bonding with her. Now, Titan. Starla held her hands out to Titan, which meant she really wanted to be held by him. He forced a smile while holding her. Good, I'd rather him fake it than being rude as hell. She snuggled close into him, gripping on his shirt and closing her eyes.

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"Funny, the guy who doesn't like babies in her favorite," Fengari teased. Alanzo laughed as Titan slightly tried to move Starla away. She instead clung to him, whining if she was pulled away. Cynthia rubbed her head softly as I rolled my eyes. Cynthia saw this and smiled while walking to me.

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"It's okay! You can stay home, I'll buy supplies," she said as she pulled me down by my collar and kissed me. She grabbed my keys and walked out. I sat down, forcing Titan to sit next to me so I can watch Starla. He held her soundly, her sleeping on his chest for the time being.

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"Now we should discuss gifts! We got her different things," Estrella said as she urged us to sit on the floor. We all did, and Estrella opened her gift. It was baby clothes, unisex because she had just found out the gender. Fengari then opened hers, some toys for her coming out. Starla woke up when hearing the clinking of blocks. Titan put her down, which let her quickly crawl to the toys and start chewing on them. I smiled at her. It's been a couple minutes, but I already want to do cringey dad things and buy matching family pajamas for us three.

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Things were going great, Starla had even crawled in my lap and continued to play. My heart truly melted. Everyone else were basically flaunting they were aunts and uncles and talking to their families about her. She already has more pictures taken of her than the galaxy's most famous actress Pluto Durchdenwald. We all heard the door open, prompting me to hold Starla and meet Cynthia at the door. She was holding two bags, smiling at Starla and I.

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"Hello, mon cherí," she murmured while kissing Starla's head. French? I'm even more in love. We swapped things as she followed me to the dining room. I put the bags down, seeing all sorts of formulas, toys, supplies, and more in one bag. The other had groceries.

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"There's more, and I bought a crib if that was okay. It extends and works until Starla's at most ten," she explained. I knew she felt bad for spending my money, but again, Carambola CEO.

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"Hm. I can set it up in our room for now until she gets older, for now you can spend more time with her," I said. We shared a soft kiss with Starla cooing between us. Cynthia rubbed my cheek with a "you're so silly" smile. Oh, how much I love her. It's been about an hour and she is already such a mom. Cynthia held Starla tightly and went to the others. I put up the groceries as I overheard the others.

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"Starla is so cute! What half breed is she?" Fengari asked. Wow, ask her the question and not me! Fengari might be my friends but she loves to push the whole "men are stupid" thing.

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"She's half brittle star. We thought it would be best to match our theme as well," Cynthia explained. Her voice is so soothing.

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"Cute! But I really want to know.. how is it dating Bulan? Is he a good kisser?" Estrella asked. Of course she'd ask that. Cynthia giggled so softly.

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"I think he is, but maybe I'm biased. I love him a lot," Cynthia explained. Holy shit she actually loves me! First time I've heard it.

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"Do you guys cuddle? Does he love up on you while you're alone?" Fengari asked. Why are they digging so deep?

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"He likes to hold me a lot, like a bear hug! It's really comforting and makes me happy. He is fairly lovey when we're alone together, which.. I mean I hope he would be!" Cynthia replied with a squeak. I love her so much.

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"Awh! Does he have a specific spot he likes to kiss?" Estrella asked. Hah, I knew Cynthia knew where that was.

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"Uhm.. he likes to kiss my face.. and uh.." Cynthia murmured. I could hear the blush in her voice. Estrella laughed softly.

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"Damn, it's like that! Wow. So, do you know how long it is? I've always been curious!" Fengari asked. Hah.

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"We haven't done anything like that yet so far, and I still don't feel exactly ready for it," Cynthia explained. I put the last of the groceries away as I heard cooing from Starla. I then got the crib supplies from the saucer and dragged it inside with ease as Cynthia followed me with Starla. I laughed softly.

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"You don't have to come, baby, you can stay with the others," I said. Cynthia shook her head with a huff as I put the box in an empty spot in our room.

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"I'm sure Starla would want to spend time with her father, after all," Cynthia said as she held Starla towards me. I smiled as I kissed Starla's gentle face. Compared to me, she was like Earth to Jupiter. Hell, Mercury even. She was so small, and it was extra cute to me. Cynthia rubbed my face with a smile. I love her so much.

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