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Now on Stage preforming our second prefromace for France, I was playing my part for 'The Offering' when the part when the chorus repeats before the breakdown, as Vessel was singing, another voice joined in.

It felt like I should know who it is, and it wasn't any of rhe Vesselets, so I'm not sure it was.

I looked around then headed closer to the front of the stage to get a better view

At the far end of the stage I saw another person at a mic that Wasn't Vessel

It was Jade. I didn't know she could sign too

I was taken aback by the harmonies she offered to Vessels voice as they hypnoticly melted together

I was quickly knocked off my thoughts as the breakdown started and Jade moved back from the mic

We continuted to play our song, every now and then Jade would pitch in for harmonies or even to sign some background vocal. She had a beautiful voice and I wonder if Vessel and her have been practicing long

Once the show was over we all held our hands up in a heart as a thank you and exited the stage

As we walked I spotted Vessel and beckoned him over towards me

"Oi, what the fuck I didn't know she could sing for fuck sake?" I said sarcastically as Vessel looked at me and chuckled

"She full of suprises that one..." he trailed off as he seemed to rest his deep gaze on something

It was Jade as she threw her arms around her brother, II and he congratulated her on her performance and they walked towards the dressing rooms

Me and Vessel parted ways and i headed to my room, resting down my bass before taking a seat on the chair

I let out a sigh of both exhaustion and relief, and pull off my mask resting in my hands

"Tired, are we?" A scarely fatmiliar - yet dark voice whispers from my mind

Then I realise I am no longer alone in my thoughts as they are now shared with sleep as he talks to me

"I mean if you include the imense amount of jumping around and there hot stages was on from about 2 hours then yes, yes I am tired" I retorted, annoyed at his obvious questions

"Ah, but yet you still do my bidding" his voice was tormenting in the way he spoke and I closed my eyes to calm down before I was swung open

I felt Sleep leave my mind and turned to see Vessel

"Where's that Shadow bastard gone, I know he was here" he asks with clear frustration glazing his tone

He looks around frantically before Resting his irritated gaze on me

"He was here, then, as Sleep does he vanished" I say as I make the re enactment of an explosion with my hands

Vessel let's out a grunt and I follow him out of the room,bumping into II on The way

"So you know why Vessel wants sleep so bad?" I ask confused

"Eh, I think Sleep told him something a while ago and hasn't visited to Answer his question in so long that Vessel is becoming restless" he answers unfazed

I see Jade come around the corner but she's holding her head as if it's injured

"Hey, you alright?" II asks worry now tangled in his voice and walks towards his sister

"Yea I'm- I'm okay it's just- voices... I guess" she admits still holding her head "I've had a voice in my head for a While now but it's starting to hurt" she explains and Vessel stands up and starts to pace

Sugar - Vessel / Sleep Token ffWhere stories live. Discover now