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Hey I hope you don't mind I switch between calling then their stage names and My OC names, tell me what you rather in the comments so I know how to refer to them

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I woke up in my bed, then remebered last night; how I couldn't sleep, how I found Ty out in thr kitchen, and the song he was writing, and the insomnia pills he offered me

It looked like the sun was high in the sky, probably about lunch time I guessed and headed to the kitchen

There I was III and II, who both greeted me, thought II seemed a but annoyed and had, 'we'll talk later' look on his face.

I brushed it off, knowing I won't get out of it, then as I'm standing infront of the doorway, stretching, I feel a presence behind me

"Morning Sugar" he said, a joyful, yet groggy voice from the handsome man himself, and he brushed one hand along my back

"Morning love" I said, completely forgetting III and II where there

"How did you sleep my Angel?" He asked, a smirk growing as he stood behind me

"I don't remeber going to bed but it was alright thankyou"

"That's alright love, glad you slept okay" he said as he kissed my forehead while heading to the front door

"Where are you going?" I asked as he slipped on some shoes

"There's a band that wants to open for us, I have to meet with their producer today" he answered, checking to see where his phone was

"Have you seen-"

I handed his phone to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek before he left

"Have a good day love"

He nodded his head and left, as he shut the door behind him, I felt My face was burning up, and I let out a slight chuckle then turn around

III and II where standing in the kitchen, III practicly dropped his bowl of cereal as they stared, jaws gaping at me

"What?" I ask mischievously

They didn't reply, but II rubbed his face and sighed before looking at me

"Does that answer your questions, Kaine?" I ask, rembering his conversation from last night, where he confronted me about leaving for 4 hours

"Mate... I haven't seen him that happy since the day we first got signed with a record label, how the fuck- when the fuck- what?" III looked shocked, and I felt prideful that I could bring that level of happiness to someone

"So that's why you disappeared for 4 hours yesterday..." II started, I looked at him with a smile on my face, and he looked relived

"Okay, sure, fine. You two do whatever you want just dont... don't get too wild..  okay?" He asked basicly begging

I knew whay he ment and My eyes went wide "Are you fuckin stupid? No, that's not happening, at least... not yet. It's only been a day, Kaine"

I remind him and he takes a deep breath before walking toward me "as long as your okay, sis, that's all I care about, don't let him break you again, please " he retorts and walks into his room

"You know this is alot... right?" III said and I giggled then sat beside him

"Yea..  I know. I never thought I'd be ready from a relationship, especially after my last couple didnt go so well..." I cringed at the thought, reminding my of sleepless night of endless screaming, and the bruses and cuts that would scar my whole body.

Sugar - Vessel / Sleep Token ffWhere stories live. Discover now