Çhapter ¹⁰ •Together Forever•

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Sam Golbach POV:

I watched Colby's back as he had ran towards Y/N's house while a worried expression fell on my face. We scrambled around in the car to make sure there was place for Y/N and Colby to sit in the back together when they showed up. Not a long time after Colby could be heard from the other side of the street calling to us but we didn't expect what we had saw when we all looked to them. In our minds we didn't think it was bad until we saw Y/N in his arms covered in blood out cold as they got in while me, Jake and Corey looked at them worried but before anyone could say anything we left as soon as we could.

--Small Time Skip (At There Home)--

  The moment I had parked my car in the nearest spot of our home Colby was the first out the car door with Y/N and into the house the test of is could just follow. Colby went in his room as me, Jake and Corey ran around to get low warm water, bandage's and a few other things before I entered Colby's room.

Colby Brock POV:

I watched Sam enter my room as he was followed by Jake and Corey they were battling to hold onto the things they have gathered to help Y/N. I thought I still hade to get everything so I placed small worm smile on my face to show my thanks to there support before worry followed. I had placed Y/N on my bed laying down or on her back with her pals facing upwards. Sam placed the bucket of water next to me with a cloth driving around inside it while Corey placed many rolled up bandage's to my other and Jack placed down a few glasses of water and pain killers and more bandage's he had carried for Y/N on the cabinet next to the bed. They looked at Y/N from the end of my bed worrying trying to show an expression as if she was alright before they had left. I could help but cry after the door had shut looking at her cold body. I soon stopped crying and started cleaning up the blood I could see and patching it up with the bandage's.

--Small Time Skip (When He Was Almost Finished Paching Her Up)--

While I was busy I didn't see any life threatening cuts or bruises that could have lead to a medical emergency which was a bit of a relief to me. I looked at Y/N as I was blood coming from her shirt still wet and the worrying I had came back. Sam enters my room to see how it was going as I looked at him before I had lifted her shirt. (not to far up) There I saw the worst it was where most of the cuts and bruises found themselves upon her body. I started cleaning away blood as I could vary focus threw my watery eyes while I  patching up the open parts on her skin. After I had finished that I was done the body was covered with bandage's and no blood was to be seen. I got up taking the bucket of now cold water away before walking out as Sam follows me. I cleaned the bucket out on the kitchen before I walking out to the car to get Y/N's things I left there. I went back to my room placing the bag down befire I sat down next to Y/N on the floor placing my head on the bed while holding her hand in mine before falling asleep not long after.

--Small Time Skip (WColby Was Asleep A Few Hours)

Sam Golback POV:

I wanted to have a conversation with Colby about what we were going to be  doing further on now with Y/N here and everything that has happened. I knocked on his door but I got no response. I knocked again but nothing "Colby?" I asked quietly letting myself in to his room only to see him asleep. Asleep on the ground with only his head resting on the bed holding onto her hand as I gave a soft worm smile before leaving again closing the door behind me.


I felt myself laying down in a more  comfortable position then I had remembered. I slowly opened my eyes to see a room I remember I was in before and it wasn't mine. My mind was thinking on other thing suck as the pain in my body so I couldn't remember who's it was. I felt a warm presents next to me holding my hand as I looked over to see Colby. I moved my hand from his grip as I tried to use them to lift my body to sit in a upright position as the pain took over as I moved harshly making the bed shake. Colby realise the movements as he raised his head looking at me.

Colby Brock POV:

As I was laying down I felt something or someone move around. I slowly open my eyes lifting my head to look up only to see Y/N struggling to hold herself up in a sitting position. I reacted fast placing my one arm around her back to hold her up so she wouldn't fall and get hurt more. "Y/N you need to rest just lay down so your body can heal I'll get you what you need." I said holding onto her as she layed her head on my shoulder slowly drifting away into sleep again. I couldn't help but smile softly laying her down before kissing her hand genially. I covers her with the blankets before making my way out of the room closing the door slowly to not wake her up again.

Çhapter ¹⁰ complete
995 Words

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