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Adalia is stuck, she's frozen.

Looking at Wilbur on stage as he plays his guitar, flashing lights and deafening music, her friend - Caroline - grabbing her arm and jumping about, but she feels like she can't move.

Her eyes can't stop staring at the brunette boy on stage, he's having the time of his life with his loud electric guitar and his band mates all making noise - music - together.

"HE'S LOOKING AT YOU, HE'S LOOKING AT YOU, ADDY!" Caroline screeches in Adalia's ear and Adalia finalky moves a muscle in her body and notices Wilbur is looking right at her. He seems a tad bit out of it now - he's slowed down, and his focus is on Adalia now it seems. They exchange eye contact far too long than Adalia is comfortable with, but she can't move as soon as her eyes are locked in to look at Wilbur's.

Adalia gulps, finally breaking the eye contact as she looks at Caroline.

"I can't breathe, I'm going to go home!" Adalia yells in Caroline's ear, as Caroline jumps in the air.



Caroline looks at her, disappointed and she shakes her head. "OH COME ON - IT'S THE SECOND SONG ADALIA, STAY!" She yells out again, Adalia sighs and nods.

Adalia stays, even if she doesn't want too. She stays for the entire show, she has to wait through Wilbur's British accent singing and talking and laughing - she stays frozen and unhappy for the rest of the show, she can't look up at the stage so she looks at the floor as everyone else is having the time of their lives. She hates Wilbur with her entire being - even if it was mostly her fault they broke it off in the first place she's unhappy with what he did wrong.

She wants to go home.

She wants to go home to her flat and her paintings and her laptop with her books on it, to her bed, to her posters. She wants home.

Adalia sighs, frowning as she tries to calm her self down. It's one thing to be at your exes concert and be noticed, but it's also one thing to be at your exes concert and faint. She continues trying to calm herself down, pinching her hand, and tapping her finger tips together, taking deep breaths.

"Callie, please can I go home?"

Adalia says with a rough voice, trying not to cry. "Caroline, please" she's distracting Caroline from Wilbur's talk to the fans, which she isn't particularly happy about. "Addy, please stay- there's like three more songs." Caroline begs, using puppy dog eyes as she looks at Adalia. "I'll wait outside," Adalia begs, trying her best to just let Caroline let her go. She knows she can leave anytime she'd like - she's a grown woman - but leaving her one and only friend without telling or asking?

Caroline is about to answer before they get cut off by a song - and Adalia starts almost crying again.

She suffers through the next four songs.

Adalia bites her lip, trying to get outside the venue as quick as she can, being held back by Caroline.

They're at barricade - so Caroline's probably hoping that they'll get something.

And they do.

Well - Adalia does.

A set list handed by Wilbur himself with his new number written on it.

Adalia doesn't hear the end of it from Caroline on their walk home, Adalia just blocks her out and talks to her occasionally. She feels like she's watching through her eyes - like she's not fully there.

She gets home.

Adalia collapses into bed and immediately curls up in the unmade sheets from that morning.

She doesn't text - or call.

She stares at the set list for about a week, just looking at the words.

Hey, call me,

It's found it's way into her journal, her paintings, her book.

Adalia is sitting at her desk looking at the crumpled set list and she just looks at it. Eyes scanning over it with worried eyes, biting onto her knuckles as she stares at it.

God, what is this doing to her?

It's two am when she finally gives in and texts it, her heart beating in her stomach as she types the message out. She stares worriedly at the text as soon as she sends it.

+44 #### #### ###
Hi, it's Addy.

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