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TW: drunk ppl, injuries, yelling etc

Spending her night on Wilbur's sofa is not something Adalia really expected.

Stupid fucking couch, stupid fucking floor, stupid fucking guitars and the stupid fucking books.

She looks at his ceiling and rubs her eyes and groans frustratedly but quietly as she looks at every stupid detail in this stupid apartment.

Wilbur is in his bedroom sleeping, she thinks, she can hear faint mumbles but Wilbur used to sleep talk all the time so maybe he's writing songs as he sleeps again.

Adalia feels sick, she thinks, the feeling of nausea at the back of her throat unsettled her body.

Her phone dings and she picks it up to read it.

01:32 Anna:
Caroline's ex went fucking mental can you come and help?

01:33 Adalia:

01:35 Anna:
Please come and help

01:37 Adalia:
Coming, send ur location

Adalia gets off of the couch and feels more uneasiness make her feel sick as she approaches Wilbur's bedroom door and knocks before opening it.

Wilbur is at his pc with his headphones in, she can see he's in a discord call.


"I gotta go my friends in trouble,"

She replies quickly cutting him off, he excuses himself from the call and deafens before sliding out of his chair and standing infront of her.

"it's almost two in the morning," he says worriedly as his brown eyes scan over her face.

"Her sister wouldn't text me if something wasn't wrong," Adalia says shakily because something is really wrong if Anna is texting her asking for help.


"It's storming," he counters, he has a worried tone in his voice as he speaks. He looks puzzled.

She huffs, beginning to loose time. "Give me a jacket then," she says frustratedly as she begins to get even more worried for Caroline.

Her glossy eyes scan over wilburs as he nods.

"I'm coming with you," Wilbur announces as he brushes past her into the hallway, ending the discord call from his phone as he puts on a jacket and beanie, and gives her one of his puffy jackets and a beanie too.

She doesn't even have time to object because her main priority is her friend right now, and her safety.

Henry isn't a nice fella.

He's mostly a funny guy and one to have a pint or two with but he has some major issues.

He hasn't hurt Caroline physically but he's threatened too, he's stalked her and even got her fired once so she would be dependent on him financially when they were dating.

As soon as Anna texts their location, which is Anna's flat, Anna actually lives very close to Wilbur, she's an independent coffee shop owner.


Adalia says as soon as she sees the crying blonde, she's sniffling and choking on her words.

"I'm really scared she won't let me in and Gwen isn't in England right now," Anna sobs, biting her fingers so badly she's almost breaking skin.

Gwen is their other sister, who loves to travel and is probably on a trip.

"It's okay," Adalia tries to reassure her and pulls the girls hands away from her mouth to hug her, and Anna cries into her shoulder.

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