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Adalia Stares at the store, résumé in hand.

She was standing at her favourite art stores doorstep, they were cheap but high quality, nice friendly staff and the only tolerable place to shop for art supplies. She's friends with all of the workers and the owner she likes them a lot - but judging by the sign on the door, they're all gonna have to look into other work.

She goes through the door, the door bell alerting Martin, the owner, of her arrival.

The grey haired man looks back at her and puts his glasses on, a polite and soft smile working it's way onto his face as he noticed her.

"Adalia," he greets, his voice calm as he pushes some paperwork to the side. "Martin, hey, closing down?" She says, sadness and a bit of sympathy lacing her tone. The man's expression turns sad - like he almost forgot about his shops fate.

"Ah yeah.. I'm getting too old and the prices keep going higher," he says as he looks around the mostly full store. "Tea?" He changes the subject quickly, as he disappears behind the counter bringing Adalia with him.

"Ah I really shouldn't I just had coffee with an old acquaintance," she sits down in one of the chairs in the staff room anyway, setting her purse down at her feet.

"Oh?"  Martin sounds interested, he pours her a cup of freeway cola from Lidl anyway, he sets the cup infront of her, his hands shaky.

"Yeah.. didn't go very well, maybe our paths weren't meant to cross," She smiles, taking a sip of the cola. "Thank you,"

"so, tell me how did it go?"

Adalia puts the cup of cola down onto the small table in-front of her, Martin seating himself in his own chair also in front of her. "It was okay, but I don't know- he brought up some sensitive stuff, you know?" She rolls her Eyes, sighing softly. The annoyance and displeasure of it hangs in her voice, it wasn't too bad. But she doesn't like to be reminded of it all, her fathers death.

"That doesn't sound very good," Martin chuckles heartedly, looking at Adalia with a comforting and almost fatherly or uncle aura in his eye.

"On a better note- we have a bunch of stock.. and since you're basically the only one who will ever you know, come in, I think you should have it," He smiles, his hands shake as he takes a sip of his hot tea from one of those mini egg Easter cups you got 'free' with an Easter egg. It's so old and stupid looking, especially with the small chips in it but Martin keeps it.

"What- oh Martin I dont have the money.."

"No, for free, Adalia, what would I do with all those supplies that can't go out into the shelves?" He laughs again, hands wrapped around the warm cup as he leans closer to her.


"It's all the supplies you usually get, paints, pallets, canvases, I'll drop it off to your flat tonight," This old man was too sweet, why is he so nice to her?

Adalia has a confused look on her face, she can't accept this... "Martin I-" She stammers, Martin is quick to interrupt her. "No, you're taking it, final." He smiles.

"Can I Atleast do something for you, is it just you in the store today?" Her own voice is insistent, very sure she should at least help out.

Martin lost his wife a few months back, her name was Miriam. She loved classical and old art, Martin opened the store for her and they worked there for.. well ages.
Martin hasn't been in the best health since she passed, he's probably very upset the last thing of his wife has to go just like her.

"Oh no Adalia I'm sure you're very busy!" Martin excuses it, that same soft comforting smile on his wrinkled face.

She ends up winning.

She's currently tagging some items to say the new price instead of the old price. She's walking down familiar isles and sorting some things out so it's tidy for whatever costumers come in.

The bell rings.

Adalia Looks behind her and..

why the fuck is Wilbur soot here?

When Wilbur gets curious about an art store he drags Mark and Leandra to come away from their own brunch with Ash to come with him.

He doesn't expect to see Adalia working.

Leandra looks confused as she looks at mark, his own gaze of confusion as he looks at Wilbur.

"Hey Adalia," He greets awkwardly, an awkward smile on his face as he walks closer into the tour. Leandra's eyes widen in realisation and she almost laughs, she looks at mark with a distressed 'holy shit I'm gonna laugh' look and he has a worried look.

"Hey, I'm Leandra, this is Mark," Leandra smiles, trying to ease the awkward tension.

Adalia smiles as-well, looking at Leandra. "Hi, Adalia, im assuming your friends with wilbur.." Her voice is wavering and awkward.

Adalia tries to keep her distance as Wilbur and his friends, well now she knows band mates, walk around the store.

She takes a sip of the diet coke she ran to the shop down the street to buy quickly before helping out.

She watches Wilbur pick up sketchbooks and random pencils and observing them, paint pens, pastels, does he even know what he's looking for?

Leandra seems very nice, Adalia decides. Fun, she seems fun. The type of person you'd want to go to a club with. Mark seems more reserved, more of a stick to the group and stay there kind of guy.

She likes them.

Wilbur is still growing on her.

Although he's moved down on her scale.

Don't be mad
I am so so sorry


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