Secrets and sweets

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(At Miss Crazy's bakery, Miss Crazy was making a cake with Lula and Generous)

Little Miss Crazy: Okay. All we need is a dot of salt, a dab of sugar, and a spritz of ginger.

Generous: Uh... Are those real measurements? How do you keep track without a recipe?

Little Miss Crazy: Baking is more art than science. And this will be my masterpiece!

Lula: Yeah, It's to celebrate Annabelle's seventy-third doggy training session!

Generous: Seventy-third? That's specific.

Lula: I know! She'll love it.

Little Miss Crazy: Could you please pass the... (Quickly) brown sugar, pink sugar, sweetroot, apple jelly, berry mash, and a towel?

Generous: (She brings Miss Crazy the ingredients) You sure are going to a lot of trouble for your friend, aren't you Lula?

Lula: That's because I know how much she loves sweets! It's worth all the trouble to see her happy.

Little Miss Crazy: Now let's finish this cake! Chugga-chugga, chugga-chugga, choo-choo!

Generous: (Chuckles)

(Meanwhile, Annabelle was going home after finishing her training session)

Lula: (Appears) Surprise! Happy seventy-third doggy training session!

Annabelle: My seventy-third training session? That's specific.

Lula: I know! I'm just so proud and happy for you, and I've been counting all your training sessions, and I was going to wait until your hundredth, but I got too excited, and I know how much you love sweets, so happy seventy-third training session! (Gives her the cake)

Annabelle: Whaaa?! You didn't have to do this.

Lula: I know I didn't have to, but I reeeally wanted to! (Squeals and gives her a piece) Have a bite.

Annabelle: Whoa! What's that?! (Lula turns around and when she faces Annabelle the cake piece was gone) Huh. Guess it was nothing. But wow, heh. This cake is the best I've ever had! Mmm! Is that cinnamon?

Lula: I knew you'd love it! Have more. I made the whole thing for you.

Annabelle: Really? Oh, that's so great! But I might save it for later, if that's okay.

Lula: Of course not! Congratulations again!

Annabelle: Heh. Thanks. (Leaves)

Lula: (Sighs) I knew she'd love it. (She's about to leave when she sees a garbage man approaching his truck and there was a familiar object in the garbage bag) Is that...? Is that...?! (Runs towards him) Stop!!!!

(The garbage man already put the trash in his truck)

Lula: You didn't see a cake with a slice eaten out of it in here, did you?

Garbage man: Uh... n-no?

Lula: Right. Of course, you didn't. That would be ridiculous. Because I made it for my best friend, and she loves sweets. She would never throw them away like trash in the trash with other trash, right? Right?!

Garbage man: Um... riiight?

(Later, Lula was at her house)

Lula: Hmmm... That cake couldn't have been the one I made with Miss Crazy. I must be seeing things. But what if I wasn't seeing things? What if that was my cake? (Scoffs) That would be bananas! (Laughs but then gasps) Unless Annabelle's been replaced by an imposter who throws delicious sweeets away! Or... has she been brainwashed by a sweet-hating evil queen? Nah, Annabelle is too stubborn to be brainwashed. Plus, she hates washing. Hmm. There's something else going on here. (Brings some files) Let's look up a few of the more recent sweets I gave her. The boysenberry pie I made for her birthday... and her three half-birthday lemon cupcakes... and the "It's Not Your Birthday But Here's a Tart Anyway Day" custard tart! She ate all of these... Right?

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