Bad thoughts, bad thoughts go away

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(In Toontown, Twistar walks up to the OC House and knocks on the door. It opens up and Generous, who is apparently bald, greets her.)

Generous: Lovely day, isn't it?

Twistar: Yeah, I guess.

(She walks into the OC house without looking up at Generous)

Generous: Ya know, uh, Thunder told me I should expect this at some point, but I didn't think it would happen overnight.

Twistar: Right, yeah.

(Generous grows more uneasy that Twistar is not noticing her apparent baldness)

Generous: Twi, I'm bald!

Twistar: (Turns and finally notices Generous' baldness) Oh. What happened?

Generous: Nothing. (Takes off an elastic cap) It was just a joke.

Twistar: Oh, okay.

Generous: (Concerned) Hey, are you okay?

(Thunder and Bong come in)

Bong: Generous, Twistar! I hope you two are ready for tonight's show.

Twistar: Oh, no, was I supposed to bring something?

Thunder: Nah, just yourselves.

Bong: The Glorp Corp are going to help out for tonight's show. They're very excited to see our act.

Twistar: Oh! Right! The goo number!

Generous: I still can't believe Chad and Rose agree to this, they usually hate stuff like this.

(Eventually, the Glorp Corp arrive with a barrel of green goo)

Glomp: Here you go.

Generous: Thanks Glomp, though we still need more than that.

Twistar: Heh, more.

Chad: Honestly, I still can't believe I agreed to this.

Rose: At least you won't be the one who'll get in the goo. (Glurt is prepared to lick her) Don't even think about it!

Glurp: Sorry....

Torts: (Comes in with another barrel) Alright, here's another one. (He trips and accidentally throws the barrel at Twistar who gets covered with goo as everyone gasped) Oops, I'm sorry Twistar.... (Twistar's not responding) Twistar?

(Twistar is frozen and looks at the goo on her and shakes as she begins to hallucinate mixel kids laughing at her, and it startles her)

Twistar's voiceover: They're gonna laugh at you!!! They're gonna laugh at you!!! They're gonna laugh at you!!!

Mixel kids: Freakshow, freakshow, you're a mixing freakshow!!! (Laugh)

Male kid voice: If you thought that anyone would be friends with a mixel like you then you're even dumber than you look. Cry, baby cry!!!

(Twistar freaks out and leaves immediately)

Generous: Twistar, wait!

(Generous follows after her and finds her laying down, breathing heavily and holding her chest, on the backstage. She then walks up to and sits down next to her)

Generous: Twistar, what's wrong?

(Twistar kept breathing as she teared up and her heartbeat grew louder. Generous seeing she's panicked sits next to her and holds and gently pets her tentacle. Twistar notices her and hugs her as she slowly calmed down, with Generous rubbing her back)

The greatest oc's the series: Season 8Where stories live. Discover now