Camp time!

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(Out in the wilderness at nighttime, the oc's arrived and prepare to camp)

Thunder: (Sighs) Finally, the weekend is here.

Generous: Nothing, than to be in the great outdoors. Ho-ho, that would be the greatest camping!

Twistar: Now to put on the tents.

(Some noise is heard and Evelyn and Miss Crazy already prepared the tents)

Little Miss Crazy: Done!

Rose: Hey Thunder, look at these flowers. (Shows him some daisies)


Rose: Thunder, they're just daisies.


Rose: You have never really been camping right?

Thunder: Actually, I've been to two of those and it wasn't a good time.'

Generous: I've been camping a few times with my parents and I loved it.

Silver: Thunder, are you sure you can handle it?

Thunder: You little sneak! I see what you're doing!

Silver: What?

Thunder: Don't think I can't see what you're doing!

Silver: What?

Thunder: You're saying I can't take it!

Silver: But all I...

Thunder: Ah! You're saying I'm soft! You think I can't handle nature. Well watch me, lamp!

(Soon, they were around the fire as Little Miss Crazy was telling a spooky story)

Little Miss Crazy: ....Then he realized, that his best unicorn friend in the world had abandoned him. And worse than that? All that was left on his hand was. A hook! (Moans)

(The oc's look at her confused and bored)

Thunder: (Sarcastically) This is very fun.

Catherine: Well, I've worked up an appetite as big as all outdoors. Time for a little grub.

Thunder: (Sarcastically) I suppose we are gonna stew up some twigs and rocks, right?

Clara: (Laughs) Nope, we've got something even better - Marshmallows. (Pulls out a marshmallow bag and pops a marshmallow into her mouth) Mmm-mm. Just like the astronauts eat.

Bong: (Has round fishbowl over her head like the helmet of an astronaut suit and imitates static noise) Bong to Clara. Bong to Clara. Do you read me? Over.

Clara: (Also has "helmet" and imitates static noise) Clara to Bong. I read you. Over.

Bong: (Static) Bong to Clara. I like going. (Static) Over.

Clara: (Static) Clara to Bong. (Static) Me too. (They both start to repeatedly exchange static noises, as Generous giggles and Thunder is annoyed) Clara to Bong, help yourself. Over. (Holds out the marshmallow bag)

Bong: Yummy! (Takes marshmallow and crams it into her mouth, smashing her "helmet") Bong to Clara! The deliciousness has landed!

Thunder: Well, you two astronauts can eat marshmallows. I'm gonna have a can of Swedish Beans, (Holds up, closely showing its full label) just as soon as I can get my can opener.

Generous: But Thunder, don't you wanna try the marshmallows?

Thunder: Why would I bother? They're too sugary for me.

The greatest oc's the series: Season 8Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang