Blair the grumpy ghost

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(At Blair's house, Blair is admiring her new sculpture of herself)

Blair: Have I told you how beautiful you are? Your ears, your nose, your eyes...a little lopsided. (Takes out the right eye, fixes it then puts it back in place) There. And now that wax statue of myself that I've been working on is completed. Come on, my precious reflection, smile! (Makes the wax sculpture smile. Then she hears a crash from outside and both her and her wax self frown)

Generous: Hike, Miss Crazy, hike! (Both run in separate directions, but Generous has a big rock. She drops the rock on the ground and it breaks in half while Miss Crazy blows a chess piece across a chessboard) You just lost three points. (Climbs a tree branch) One. Two. Five! (Flips upside down and blows a bubble into a shape) G-7!

Little Miss Crazy: G-7? King me! King me! (Runs into the tree branch and pops the bubble) I lose!

Thunder: But it's not Tuesday, Miss Crazy.

Little Miss Crazy: Oh, tartar sauce!

Blair: (Picks out) Hey! What are you doing out here?

The oc's: We don't know.

Blair: Hey, Miss Crazy, do you know what time it is?

Little Miss Crazy: Uh, yeah, Blair, it's... (Checks her watch but all the bubble soap leaks out when she turns her wrist around)

Bliar: Time to find some other game to play!

(Back inside, she puts soapy bubbles into her bathtub, places a glass of milk next to it and turns on her record player, then gets in and takes a deep breath)

Generous: Now what?

Clara: (Notices a rock on the ground) We could toss that rock back and forth.

Generous: (Picks up shell) Okay... ready! Go! (Throws it)

Evelyn: I got it! I got it! (The rock flies through Blair's open window, slice's a bucket of red paint and knocks into Blair's sculpture, and it falls over) I got it! I got it! I got it! (Blair in the other room, hears a thump, but she ignores it)

(The oc's get inside)

Evelyn: Remember, guys, finders keepers.

Catherine: There it is! (Points to the shell that is lodged in the head of the wax sculpture of Blair)

Evelyn and Generous: I got it! I got it!

Evelyn: (Pulls the rock out) Bonus points!

Twistar: Uhh, guys? I think something's wrong with Blair. She looks unconscious. And she's bleeding a little bit.

Generous: Oh no....

Twistar: Don't worry. I know how to do this. (She tries to give CPR, but her face turns blue and she floats up to the ceiling but lets out all the air and lands on top of the wax sculpture's head)

Thunder: Get off her, Twi!

Twistar: (Stands up) What are you worried about? (Her butt is now imprinted on the sculpture's face) She looks better already.

(They stand the statue up)

Generous: But she still feels cold.

Bong: Well, let's go put her in the warm.

(They bring the sculpture in front of the window with the sun shining through it)

Generous: Do you think she'll be okay?

Thunder: You know, you worry too much. (The sculpture begins to melt) The team is here and GC I know a lot about head injuries, believe me. Hey Ev, what's that on your shoe?

The greatest oc's the series: Season 8Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat