Count Bluethorn (Part 2) (FINAL)

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(It's finally the day for the New Year, and the oc's were preparing the OC House)

Generous: Oh, sweet Celestia. This must be the best New Year's Eve party...

Lino: (Appears) Hello, Generous.

Generous: Oh, hi Lino. Haven't seen you since our adventure with that cursed crystal. How's life? And Cleo?

Lino: Everything is fine, Cleo and I are doing good. How about you?

Generous: Oh, you know just working on my New Year's Eve party. And I cannot wait! Will you be there?

Lino: Well, I could try.

Cuddles: Hey, Generous. Thunder needs help with the fireworks.

Generous: Right on!

(She leaves with Cuddles, but Lino looks at Cuddles like he seen him before. Another flashback begins: Lino was walking around Toontown when he heard a feminine scream. He runs to the direction of where the scream came from and found Graydon standing over a female bear's body holding something)

Graydon: (Looks at what he's holding, hearing the cries of two babies) Two babies?

(He sees a well and was about to drop the babies there when...)

Lino: STOP!!!!

Graydon: These two are unholy demons. I'm sending them back to hell, where they belong.

Lino: (Leans over the female bear's body) How could you? How could you spill the blood of an innocent woman?!

Graydon: I am guiltless. She ran. I pursued.

Lino: Worst yet you tried to take the lives of these two bear cubs!

Graydon: My conscience is clear.

Lino: Well, one thing's for sure. You can hide from yourself and everyone else, but it will be God that judges you!

Graydon: (Horrified when he heard it) You're right... What must I do?

Lino: (Takes the bear corpse away) Care for the children and raise them as your own.

Graydon: What? I am to be saddled with these dirty thieves... (Sighs) Very well.

(Flashback ends. That night, Generous looked from the backstage seeing that every toon is there for new year)

Generous: Yes, everything is ready! Alright everyone, show's begin in five minutes!

Little Miss Crazy: Right on.

Thunder: Break a leg. I mean hoof!

(As everyone else were getting ready, Mary and Platy found Cuddles)

Cuddles: Mary? What are you and Platy doing here?

Mary: Hey, Cuddles. Listen we just wanted to warn you that Count Bluethorn may or may not hurt your unicorn friend.

Cuddles: What? Why would he do that?

Platy: Apparently, he says she and her friends are the reason why he had lost everything before... like his money, previous home, his face.

Cuddles: But Generous would never hurt anybody... She's an alicorn who just wants to make friends.

Mary: Yeah, we noticed. We figured that maybe he was lying about your friend...

Cuddles: Oh...

Platy: Well, we just wanted you to know, see ya.

Cuddles: See ya.

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