Chapter Eleven

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After a little while Misty walked off without another word. Luna let her go, knowing that she would be back soon enough.
When they were alone again she turned to Eclipse.
"What were you thinking about earlier?" she asked quietly.
Eclipse's ears perked up and he cocked his head to the side. His eyes silently searched hers as he mulled her question over. Then his eyes sparked and he seemed to realize what she was talking about.
"You mean when Misty was talking about how we can't stop life or death? I didn't realize that you could see me thinking about it."
"How could I not? You seemed pretty upset about it but you didn't say anything."
He looked away and she felt a sudden distance growing between them.
"Please tell me what's wrong, Eclipse. We're mates now... you can tell me anything."
He smirked and shook his head.
"It's nothing really. It's just... what she said really hit home for me."
She walked over next to him and sat down. She put her head under his chin and nuzzled him gently.
"You can tell me."
He sighed.
"Ok... it's really not that interesting, though."
She smiled kindly and nodded once, encouraging him to continue.
He took a deep breath.
"Well... before I was a lone wolf... I had two sisters and I was son to the Alpha."
Luna nodded. It made sense that he could've been Alpha before he met her. His stature and personality alone proved he was worthy Alpha material.
"... and my father died when I was only an adolescent. I took care of my family after his sudden death."
He looked away and pawed at the snow idly. She nudged him with her snout.
"What happened then? Why aren't you with them anymore?"
"I was driven out," he snarled, "because I wasn't strong enough to protect my family back then. I fought with all the strength I had, Luna! I couldn't protect them, and I had to run. I left them to him! I don't even know if my sisters are alive still, or if they're even with the pack anymore! I failed!"
His body tensed and he bared his teeth. Luna inspected his scars with a newfound interest before trying to look him in the eye. He wouldn't meet her gaze.
"So that's how you got those scars?"
He finally looked back at her after a few tense moments.
"Yes... I gave my rival plenty, too. Neither of us will ever forget our little fight. I can guarantee you that."
A sneer crossed his face and his eyes narrowed viciously. The look sent shivers down Luna's spine.
His wicked smile vanished and he looked curiously at her.
"So... what about your past? I've told you how I ended up alone."
He grinned encouragingly and nudged her with his shoulder.
Her heart immediately dropped into her stomach and all the blood in her veins froze.
I can't tell him. He won't trust me ever again! He'll just leave me and I'll be alone again.
She backed away slowly, her ears down and her fur bristling.
"I... I need to go find Misty. I need to make sure she's ok."
He stepped forward to comfort her, but she barked sharply and ran off into the forest.
He started to run after her before he stopped suddenly.
She needs to be alone.
He howled after her. It was a quick howl, but it gave a very clear message; I'm here for you.

Luna's heartbeat was deafening as she bolted around trees and hurdled over brush and fallen timber. Her icy eyes were wide with terror. She was hardly afraid of anything; fights, death, and betrayal were easy to swallow for her. At least, easier than sharing her past.
She cared for Eclipse, and she trusted him with her life... but he didn't need to know about this. No one needed to know about her past besides her.

Suddenly she slammed into something and she heard a high pitched yelp as she tumbled into the snow.
She rolled to her paws and shook her head before looking at the crumpled heap in front of her. A heap of rusty red fur that was breathing, she noted.
She stepped forward cautiously and pawed at the thick fur.
The creature lifted its head and she bared her teeth as she saw what it was. Another male wolf stared back at her, his wide amber eyes full of fear and wonder.
She snarled.
"What are you doing in my territory?! Can't you smell the markers?!"
The wolf tore his gaze away from hers and he put his head down in submission.
"Yes, I can smell them."
"Then why are you here?!!"
The wolf looked at her again but there was no challenge in his eyes. He got up slowly and took a step back.
Luna growled, but she didn't attack him. She wanted to hear his answer.
He tucked his tail between his legs, his body shaking slightly. Then he took a deep breath and cautiously met her gaze.
"I want to join your pack."

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