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Brethen awoke to the symphony of teenage anticipation echoing through the halls. The air buzzed with the fervor of those who believed their lives would change that day. She, however, lingered beneath the covers for another ten minutes, as usual.

Her peers buzzed through the dormitory corridors, eager for the arrival of the royal family, which would happen at any moment. Brethen took her time to get up, get dressed, and walk to the dining hall without haste.

Almost thirty-five years ago, the royal family made its last appearance at Bastat Academy. Back then, it was King Gavin, then a young prince of eighteen, who had visited the academy to choose his lifelong guardian. Now, history repeated itself, and it was Prince Arian's turn. The chosen one would become the shadow and lifelong guardian of the monarch, remaining by his side until the end of either of their lives.

Today, the same tradition repeated itself, but it was Prince Arian's turn to choose his Champion, having turned eighteen just a few weeks ago. All Bastat students of the same age who were about to graduate were eligible to be chosen. However, Brethen was not one of them.

Brethen, though of the same age and more skilled than many eligible candidates, found herself excluded. She still had six months of study ahead before graduating. Unlike her peers, she entered the academy at thirteen, a year later than usual, at twelve. Her natural talent allowed her to advance six months ahead, but she still lagged behind her peers of the same age who would be eligible to become Champions for the future king.

Bastat Academy was the main training centre for young proficient warriors in Pratoria. After six years of study and intensive training, graduates could pursue careers as warriors, assassins, spies, or join the ranks of elite guards. Soon, Brethen could choose—or be chosen—for one of those careers, but not today.

In the dining hall, the news was already spreading: The king, queen, and the crown prince had already arrived, along with the King's Champion, Fausto Matroni. They were in the director's office, meeting with some teachers who were undoubtedly mentioning names of the most suitable candidates for the role.

Soon, eligible students would be summoned to the courtyard to form a line and be closely inspected by the royal family. Then, they would continue with their normal day of classes so they could be observed in action. At sunset, Prince Arian Pratoris would have to choose his Champion, the one whose life would never be the same.

The position of Champion was highly coveted, partly due to the honour of serving the kingdom, but mainly because of the prospect of a life filled with luxury and comfort for whoever was chosen. Many had dedicated months of effort since the prince's visit was announced, motivated by the simple dream of one day living in the palace. However, Brethen followed with her life, trying not to resent being left out.

Coming from a poor family, she was the youngest and only woman among six siblings. Throughout her life, she was limited to two options: getting married and leaving home or going to Bastat. In summary, the expectation was that she would stop being a financial burden to the family as quickly as possible. At that time, she didn't want to distance herself from her brother Basken and beloved sister-in-law Suzania, but she was forced to take a different path. Thus, at thirteen, Brethen joined Bastat Academy. Five years had passed since then, and since her departure, she had never had contact or news from her family.

After the communal meal, the entirety of Bastat Academy assembled in the courtyard to welcome the royal family. The eligible students—twenty-two of them in total—formed a line in front of everyone, with the rest lined up right behind, organized by age. Brethen was placed in the second row, formed by herself and only four other students from the same year.

From her spot, she observed when the royal family crossed the courtyard towards the eligible students to the sound of a solemn silence. The most prominent figures of the kingdom were there.

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