all because of mapi

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i sit down on a table with alexia, quickly starting my breakfast.

'so y/n, tell me why you didn't just immediately climb in mapi's lap when i dared you to it. i thought you would've done it by instance' alexia asked me

although she was clearly speaking to me, mapi, who just sat herself down on our table decided to answer the question for me.

'well maybe because she wants to throw a chair at me, don't you y/n' the brown haired defender said half sarcastically

'well maybe you just can't believe that i won't sleep with you like you have half the team, can you mapi?'

'yeah right' she scoffs

'well you're the one making me wanna do it, so maybe the problem is you mapi, and by the way, you were the one listening to a conversation between two people'

'well you wanting to be violent because you are just jealous isn't my fault is it? and you guys were having the conversation in public, if you don't want anyone to hear you you should probably have a conversation in private don't you think you idiot?'

we were at the point of screaming at eachother and throwing that chair at mapi is getting tempting. that's when alexia decided to cut in

'woah woah woah, calm down you two. if you want to do this do it in private, or better, not at all'

i roll my eyes and glare at mapi, who shoots me a wink in return.

i think
i know she has clocked that i think she's hot.
i don't like her
i don't have a crush on her
i hate her.
but god, that doesnt mean she isn't hot as fuck.

i turn around to mine and mapi's name being shouted.
"y/n mapi, my office" jonatan says

"fuck you" i mumble to mapi before turning

"i thought you didn't want to fuck me y/n" she says slyly.

i don't reply and just try make my way to his office, but it's not going well.
i turn down a corridor. i realize now that i'm completely lost.

"wrong way dumbass" mapi says, clearly amused
i follow behind her, staying at a safe distance.
finally, after what seems like hours, we reach his office.
mapi knocks on the door, before letting herself in and not bothering to even slightly hold the door open for me.
i laugh slightly as i walk in behind her

"something funny y/n?" she says harshly
"girls, not again"
we both sit down on the chairs facing him, his posh desk separating us from him.

"right girls, i don't know what started this and i don't want to know, i just want it sorted. do you know what the fans, no, everyone, do you know what everyone expects from you two?"

we both shake our heads

"they expect you to be the golden trio, you two and alexia, the dream team. you know you will be unstoppable, and with other teams on the rise it is exactly what we need. "

"so?" mapi asks

"so, you too need to get along, this means until whatever this is is sorted out, you both are partners for everything. no exceptions whatsoever, got it?"

"what?" i raise my voice slightly.

"no protesting it."

we both nod and go to leave.
quickly he adds

"you two are expected down for some media after the photo shoot, you are doing something for our youtube channel, it will help with team building. "

after tiring two hours worth or modeling the new kit, it is finally over. i was looking forward to going home and relaxing before we leave for a training camp on the other side of spain starts to get ready for the new season.
but all that has been scrapped now, all because of mapi.

i make my way to the lounge room, which is where we are filming it.
as i walk in alexia, lucy and mapi are already there.
"took your time" mapi says under her breath. i shoot her a glare.

"no worries, you are just in time. so today we will be playing some games. hopefully this will get our fans excited for the new season.
first, we will be playing fifa, 2v2, as barça obviously on the new ea fc, as you four are the highest rated women's players on this game.

we are also, as you are aware, collaborating with spotify. so there will be music based games like guess the song.
then we will finish off with some games. twister sound ok?"

we all agree and prepare ourselves for a long couple hours of filming.
we get put into teams.
of course, me and mapi vs alexia and lucy.
i know for sure jonatan put a word in.
lucky me.
"well congrats, we have already lost" mapi declars, not taking her eyes off me as she says it.

we get handed our controllers, and both teams sit on sofas next to eachother, facing the tv.
it isn't all scripted, but we get told to look comfortable with eachother, and definitely no arguing, or swearing but it can always be bleeped out so it's not my biggest of worried.
they make me sit with my legs slung over mapi.
which i am not delighted about in the slightest.

my player dribbles past the whole team, before finally getting past mapi before knocking it in the back of the net.

"get in!" i shout, as i score the winning goal.

"this is very realistic, see mapi even the game knows i'm better than you"
i say, proud i have a reason to piss her off
she grabs my thigh as squeezes it slightly, whilst not taking her eyes off of mine.
clearly she is struggling to not argue with me. i'm going to have to take advantage of this.
i can't lie, the way her hand squeezed the inside of my upper thigh was a massive turn on. i feel my cheeks grow a little hot.
which she notices.

we play a second game, which they win. so overall the scoreboard is 1-1.
not too bad.

after a lot of wrong guesses, insults from mapi and even more of her trying to get into my head, the scoreboard after guess the song was 5-4 to them.
the only way to get back to the top was twister.

i'm next to mapi whose on blue, and i'm on red.
"youngest first?"
i spin.
left foot blue
my right foot is already on red, so now i'm just half infront of her. i can feel her eyes checking me out from behind.
she goes next, left foot blue.
this leaves her stood sideways, one foot on first blue, mine of second blue inbetween her legs, and her other foot on the third blue. this leaves us annoyingly close.

a few rounds pass, and me and mapi are in a very awkward position. me leaning over her. my arms are placed on either side of her body.
my spin leaves me having to move my foot backwards, onto green. i slip, causing me to fall on top of mapi.
to stop me from falling as hard, i try steady myself quickly but grabbing hold of something.
my hands fall onto her hips and pin her down.
in a different scenario it would be ideal, but not right now, not on camera.
her face flashes red, clearly flustered.

god i'm so going to use this against her. 

we finish up filming and they win 6-5, both teams winning one round of twister.

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