tattletale signs

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as soon as i get home i rush to get ready. 
we are all going clubbing as it's our last free night before the training camp.
the last night we can get drunk.

i put on a short tight dress that hugs my body.
i only have half an hour before lucy and keira come pick me up.
because of fucking mapi i have so little time.
if it wasn't for her i wouldn't have had a stupid meeting, or do the media, or be wrapped up in whatever the fuck happened in the old conference room.

i wear light make-up and throw my hair up into a slick back.
i grab my phone, keys and wallet before heading out the door as i hear lucy's car pull up outside.
i clamber into the back seat.
i only now notice mapi sat in the back aswell.
for fucks sake.
"lucy why didn't u tell me you were bringing her" i say
"because then you wouldn't come" she says calmly.
"nice to see you too y/n" mapi sneers.

mapi's pov:

i glance over at y/n as she sits in the car.
god i hate her.
but she is a fucking goddess.
i check her out, taking in every bit of her beautiful body.
what is happening, i'm meant to hate her, not like her.
i dont like her, im sure of it.
but god, when she is near a feel a whole new emotion in me. which is far greater than just lust.
i make sure to not look her in the eye, if my eyes meet hers i dont think anything would stop me from fucking her right then and there.

ok, i will admit, i have slept with a lot of teammates. but i'm not like that. they were all drunken mistakes, i don't exactly regret them, but they don't reflect who i am.
but with y/n i just want her to be mine.
what the fuck
i hate her.
what the fuck am i on about.

y/n's pov:

we finally arrive at the club. i want as mapi gets out of the car and i get a proper look at her outfit. black bottoms and a white crop top.  fucking hell she looks hot.
"take a picture, it lasts longer" mapi mocks, a smirk now covering her face.

we get inside and ingrid orders everyone's drinks as we sit in our booth.
everyone engages in coversation with eachother for while.
i'm sat next to alexia and lucy, but lucy gets up to go to the toilet so now mapi is next to me.
i feel the alcohol starting to get to me, all my nerves go away.
everyone scatters over on the dance floor, some just letting loose, some having a chat, some sat at the bar or in the booth.
me and ingrid start dancing together, obviously in a platonic way.
im glad i'm dancing with ingrid, because once you know her, she's good fun. we start chatting whilst dancing and just get to know eachother.
ingrid makes her way over to someone who has caught her eye, ao i leave her to it.
i spot alexia and mapi at the bar. i don't want to intrude so i just order my drink and stay a decent distance away from them. however, i am still in earshot.

"te gusta ella?" do you like her? alexia asks mapi.

"no claro que no" no of course not.

"Ten cuidado, ella podría escucharte mapi" be careful, she might hear you mapi.

"alexia, ella no sabe español" alexia, she doesn't speak spanish.

alexia just shrugs.

"¿Estás seguro de que no te gusta?" are you sure you don't like her?

"No, no estoy seguro, está bien, estoy loco por ella. Ella es demasiado atractiva, no sé qué tiene ella." no im not sure, fine im crazy about her. she's just too attractive i dont know what it is about her.

" Ve a disparar, sabes que ella es gay, ya te lo dije en la fiesta. " go shoot your shot, you know she's gay i already told you that at the party.

ohhh, so that's what it meant when she nodded at mapi.

"no, ella me odia." no, she hates me.

"Vamos, ustedes dos están uno encima del otro." come on you two are all over eachother.

i take my drink and go sit down in the booth.
no one else is in there anymore, i'm just sat there, me and my drink.
i quickly drink it all, my brain still trying to process what the fuck i just heard.
maria leon, likes me??

it all does make sense.
kind of?
she doesn't want to admit she likes me, she was adamant in telling alexia and she tells her everything. that explains why she hated me so much.
she didn't hate me.
she hated that she finds me attractive.
she hates that she likes me.

everyone starts sitting down at the booth again. alexia and mapi on either side of me.
ona comes over with a whole tray full of shots.
"right girls, truth or shot timeee" ona announces.
a few rounds pass.
"lucy, your go, what's going on with you and keira" i watch them both exchange looks, keira laughing slightly. lucy takes the shot.
everyone laughs, even though it's obvious already.
everyone is clearly a little bit tipsy.

i roll my eyes.
"who's the person you had your eyes on last night" i take the shot without another thought.
again, making people laugh.

mapi leans behind me, over to alexia and whispers.
"mira, ya te lo dije, ella ni siquiera cree que sea sexy." see i told you she doesn't even think i'm hot.

"e lla no dijo eso, nunca especificó quién era. "she didnt say that, she never specified who it was. alexis mutters back.

mapi ignored her and pulls her attention onto the game, her eyes stealing quick glances at me.

mapi's pov:

"mapi, how many people on the team have you slept with" i laugh before taking the shot, mainly because i don't want to embarrass some of the people.
whilst they go get more shots everyone breaks into conversation.
"hey mapi, remember when i beat you in fifa"
y/n teases.
"shut up" i say. not being able to accept the fact that she is better.
"make me" she whispers slightly.
the alcohol has clearly wiped away any nerves.

as ona places the shots on the table i slide my hand onto y/n's thigh, dangerously high, feeling confident as my drink starts kicking in.
i can tell this turned her on, the tattletale signs in her posture change.
"exactly" i say cockily now that she has shut up.
"perra" bitch. she whispers.
i look at her dumbfounded.
she knows spanish?
for fucks sake.

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