your little plan

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mapi wraps her arms underneath me, and i admire her from above.
i watch the slow movements of her chest rising and falling- gently. she starts to shift around, before propping herself up on her elbows. her body is still on top of mine, but we are now face to face. she looks at me in the eyes, then my lips, then back up to my eyes.
i gently hold onto her neck and pull her head a little closer, before giving her a passionate kiss.
she pulls away after a few seconds, her breathing noticeably heavier, knowing we shouldn't carry this on. i pull her back in by her neck, closing my eyes before deepening the kiss.

she pulls back away
"y/n..." she trails off as she speaks. she swallows and bites her lip, clearly wanting more. she closes her eyes and breaths out heavily.

"lucy and keira are here, the others will be here in five, if you're not out by they get here, i will tell them!" alexia shouts.

mapi doesn't stop the kisses- although in any situation i would never want her to stop -i cup her face in my hands and tell her

"come on, we don't want them all to find out" i say whilst getting up.
she gets up, and weaves her arms around my waist, resting her chin on my head slightly. 

"do we not?" she says cheekily, grinning.

"no, not yet." she frowns slightly at my answer

"-we have to see how tonight goes" i say with a wink.
she starts kissing my neck again this time more eagerly, i remind her people will be here soon, but then again i don't want her to stop.
she gives me a cheeky smile before getting up and offering her hand. i gladly take it, she then pulls me up.
gently, mapi re adjusts my hair so i look presentable, and not like we had just been all over eachother. although, the hickeys mapi peppered all down my neck is a slight give away. luckily for me, they weren't too dark, so they would hopefully dissapear in the next few days. but i have no doubt mapi will give me more.

mapi leans down and places a kiss on my forehead.
i go to leave, but mapi grabs onto my hand.

"come on mapi, we need to go" i say


"yes?" i turn around to face her

"you're forgetting something" she says, choking back a laugh, she waves around my shirt infront of me. i roll my eyes at her, a laugh escaping my lips as i do so. i slip on my shirt. she leans down and places another deep kiss on my lips.

i finally manage to drag mapi out the room; and i mean drag, if it was up to her she would have climbed back into bed with me and fallen asleep.
hand in hand, well more like me grabbing a hold of her hand, we walk into the living room and plop ourselves onto the sofa.
i try to advoid all their eyes, lucy keira ona and alexia's. i sit with my back against the arm rest, legs slung over mapi's.
she gently places a hand onto my thigh - rubbing circles with her thumb.

"so guyssss- how's life?"  alexia starts sarcastically, i glare at her.

"don't worry, we know about you two cuties" lucy says, laughing and finishing it off with a wink.

a huge smirk is plastered across mapi's face, i can tell she's loving this.

"y/n what's all those one your neck?"  keira asks, pretending to be completely clueless.

"yeah y/n, who did them?" ona chimes in,
a huge grin spreading across mapi's face.

"alright alright" i say defeated.

as everyone else starts arriving, a few games start to take place.
after some time, everyone takes part in a game of truth or dare. unluckily my turn comes around quick

once a different story..  - maria leonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon