Chapter Nine

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Happy reading guys!!

(Also welcomed with writers block :'D)


The two Minotaur continued advancing slowly. Optics glaring into the souls of the two guardians.

Now almost chanting, "Return the gladiator..." Over and over.

"Prepare a ground bridge, I will handle this," Optimus explained to Koda through their bond.

Koda being well...Koda, was reluctant to leave. It was moment's like these where she forgot about the two creations growing within her. Even with the bump that decorated her abdomen, it was her mind which told her to help.

"I'm staying," She grumbled, glaring at her mate as he stood in front of her. Protecting her from the two bull-like mechs in front of him.

"Best move out of my way," A thunderous voice called out from behind the two. Then a rather deep hum filled the air and the two mates quickly ducked down. Immediately recognizing the sound. Koda's optic's widened fearfully as she braced for the blast from the gladiator's cannon.

But the purple charge flew above the two and hit the bull to the right. The transformed one growled and charged forward.

Optimus jumped to meet the beast, while Megatronus ran past him and Koda to take on the winded one.

In the morning sun, four mechs fought. Metal clashing, bending, tearing...It all happened in front of Koda. She was frozen in place. Unsure why she couldn't move. Her frame just...wouldn't move.

She could only watch as her Prime and the gladiator fought the two Minotaur. The two beasts stood over the two mechs by a good seven to ten feet if one could guess. Even their alt's were large.

Megatronus was certainly enjoying his fight...

He was dodging the large horns of the beast, when out of the corner of his optics he saw Optimus diving to the side. A large axe falling down to meet him.

As he brought his own blade up to meet the Minotaurs, there was a loud snap. Which was followed by the sound of metal cracking and breaking, as well as a pained grunt.

Unable to run and help the Prime, as the gladiator was bombarded by his own problem he had to focus on that. He fired a blast at the beast's chest before swinging his blade around to cut off what he could of the horns. The two thunks of metal meant he had succeeded. With the most dangerous parts out of the way, Megatronus smirked smugly.

He was quite enjoying this, now that he had a few moments to think about it. This, fighting a nearly ancient creature. The joy of defeating it...

Oh how the dents in his armour felt, it was a rather nice feeling. To know that he would come out with a few new scars.

As he brought the beast down, a surge of power flew through him. To know that he had taken this beast down. No one would believe him.

Swiftly he struck his blade into the beast's chest. Hearing the crack of its Spark shatter was an amazing feeling.

All the while, Optimus was thrown down to the ground. The orange goo staining some of his plating, bleeding into his open wounds. Which caused him to feel woozy and nauseous.

His two swords had been snapped in half by the mechs axe. As it brought him back to the ground, he hit it hard. A grunt of air escaping him as pain shot through his back struts. As he went to block the Minotaurs attack he was met with a figure standing in front of him.

He felt a heat coming from the two dual blades on each of Koda's arms. A weapon which had been forged with her when she'd been turned into a Cybertronian. A while back they'd figured out that the amount of heat which was made, was based on how the femme was feeling. And by the feel of things, she was pretty pissed off.

*NOT FINISHING* Woman and Machine III (Pacific Rim & TFP)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ