Chapter Fifteen

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I've got exams coming up. One tomorrow. Part A, so writing. Think it's a position paper(social) It's currently 10pm XD
Great going me...
But I wanted to give you guys a chapter!!
Not the best idea but hey, I had the motivation and wanted to write. Also, I do love Ironhide as a character, but I just feel like he would be the one to treat Koda differently. And there is a swear(sorry Star) but jussstttt one. Well aside from the Cybertronian ones XD
Also feel like the song just fit this chapter. Being a bit of a throwback to the past books and PR content.


"W-wait, what do you mean Precursors?" Optimus asked, following after his mate. Who was swiftly(as fast as she could) making her way into their housing unit, "Koda! Primus help me..."

The two walked through the house, past Bumblebee who was watching his adoptive creators walk through the halls. He got up and followed the two into their office.

"It's in here somewhere..." Koda mumbled, looking through sorted files and boxes.

Optimus watched, not knowing what to do as the office became a mess. An organized mess but still a mess.

"So, what's going on here?" Bumblebee asked, coming up behind his Sire.

The Prime tossed both his servos into the air and vented, "I'm just as confused as you Bee."

Koda then stopped and looked up, her optics falling onto a dusty box tucked away on the top shelf of their bookshelf. She then pushed a stool over with her pede. As she stepped up on it and reached up, she felt a pair of servos set on her hips. The hold wasn't painful but enough to have a hold on her in case she fell.

Looking up, she carefully moved the box to the edge of the shelf. It was fairly heavy. Something that Optimus didn't know. But with careful movement, Koda got a firm hold on the box before sliding it off the top of the shelf.

"Omph!" Koda grunted as the box slammed into her chest. After a moment she stepped down from the stool, glancing at Optimus, "I got it."

The Prime shook his helm but followed Koda out to the kitchen.

She dusted off the top of the box before turning back, a nervous look in her optics, "Remember when I said that I got rid of all the information on the PPDC that I had?"


"I uh, I might've moved it all to datapads," Koda explained, opening the box to reveal about twenty different datapads. Most of them were older versions compared to the nearly see-through ones that were around now. She pulled a chair out and took a seat. Starting to take out one of the datapads, a dirtied servo stopped her.

"I'm not angry, this is quite honestly incredible. Just breathe please, there's no rush to find the information right away."

Icy optics glared up at Optimus, "You leave me to work, and go get washed up," She chuckled and pushed him back to the hallway, he stumbled over to the stairs "You look like you died and climbed out of the grave!"

"Love you too!"

Koda shook her helm and took out another datapad. As she set it on the table she noticed Bumblebee poking around through the pantry. His doorwings fell when he sighed, stepping back.

"Cookies are in the cabinet above the coffeemaker," The femme offered, smirking when Bee bolted over and opened the cabinet. He grabbed the jar and set it on the counter, took off the lid and pulled out a cookie. He popped one into his intake and grabbed another. He turned around and pointed to the jar, Koda nodded, "Yes please~"

Bumblebee just grabbed the jar and brought it over to the table, "So, what are you looking at?" He asked through bites, watching as Koda pulled out yet another datapad.

*NOT FINISHING* Woman and Machine III (Pacific Rim & TFP)Where stories live. Discover now