Chapter One - The Dreams

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"Hey mom, I have been having these . . . weird dreams," I said. She moved the pan she was cooking dinner on, turned around with a frightened look, and said, "O-oh, that is strange. What were they about?"

I look up at her. She looks scared. Hesitant, I reply, "A girl in a mask." She continues cooking like she doesn't hear me. I look at her wondering, what does she know? SIZZLE went the pan as she grabbed the plates. She serves me breakfast, bacon and eggs.

"Don't go to sleep," she whispered. I look frightened, and she acts like nothing happened. Am I going crazy? I thought to myself over and over.

I eat breakfast then go to my room. I sit on my bed, rethinking what just happened. It sounds like I am a part of some movie or book. I need to write and figure out what is happening. I go to the office to grab some paper, a pencil, a mini whiteboard, and a dry erase marker.

I began to write down my dreams in a dark room with a rocking chair. I recognize this chair from somewhere. I get that off my mind and continue. I go and sit in the chair, drawn to it. A drop of something wet appears on my forehead. I look up to see blood dripping off of the ceiling.

I blink, and there stands the woman in the mask. The mask had fine lines where the jaw bones should be, Black circles for eyes that look like they go into a deep dark abyss, Long black hair in a ponytail, and a smile sewed right into her head. I wasn't scared, but I just had this weird feeling. This "Girl" would look pretty if she had an actual face.

After seeing the girl, you appear on a staircase,and then I get shot and taken away. These dreams seem too familiar. I try to remember what happens next, but my mind goes blank.

I think and think to myself about nothing, really. I write down the dream and what happened between me and my mom. At least, who I thought was my mom.

I go to the attic. I like to go up there. It's quiet. I made a comfy spot, I got comfortable, then I went to grab my blanket. There was a picture book. I look at it with its green flower case. Where did it come from? I carefully pick it up and examine it. I opened it, a girl with black hair sitting in a rocking chair, the same one from the dream.

Who is this girl? What happened to her? My mind paces with thoughts like that. I grab the book and run back to my office. I flip the page then, a flier, "MISSING GIRL! Daughter of ," my mothers name. I try to read the rest, but it fades away. I keep flipping and flipping the pages, and all the pictures, words, everything keep fading away. I made it to the last page. "Help," It says. It's written in blood?! I closed the book. I fall onto the ground and wonder, What is this?

I look around. I need to do research. I go to grab my comp- it's gone. My mom took it. What does she not want me to know? I need to rest on this.

I go to sleep. I appear in my dream, but I can control what I'm doing. I need to talk to the girl, so I go to the rocking chair again- It is a loop. I keep going in the chair and appearing back at the start. I keep going and keep on, but randomly I appear at a door. I open the door, and finally there is the girl. There is something different. There is a chip in the mask. I can see a little bit of her eyebrow. She looks at me with a knife. I hear a cry from behind the mask. "Sister." Petrified, I try to wake up. Over and over again. I couldn't. "Am I trapped here forever?" I thought to myself. She tries to attack me- SPLASH! I wake up with water thrown on my face.

Shocked, I looked up. My mom? What did she want? "Mom?" She looks just as afraid as me. She says, "Uhmmmm. I thought you were in a coma uh, just making sure." I know she is fibbing. What did she really want? "Oh, okay," I say, pretending I believe her.

This is so weird.

Who is this girl?

I think to myself. I have done a lot of thinking, but I need to figure this all out. I need to find a place to sleep. I need to figure out more about my dreams. I have an idea. In the attic my mom keeps her childhood diaries. I might be able to find something about this girl. She looks a few years younger than me, 13-14. Is she my sister?

I rush up to the attic, but my mom stops me. "What are you doing?" She asked. I think of something quickly because I am great at coming up with these things fast. "Mom! Guess what?" She looks at me and smiles because she thinks I moved on from the subject. "What is it, sweety?" I realized I was holding a bunch of paper. "I just got into making paper animals! I don't know where my computer went because I want it to search for tutorials!" She looks at me happy. "I found it in the kitchen earlier. It is in my room. Let me go get it." YES! I can get my computer to get some evidence. I still got to make an animal, so my mom believes me. I will make her a swan because she loves swans.

Two minutes later, she comes and brings me my laptop. "Thank you mom. I am going to make you a swan!" She smiles and motions her hand for me to go up the ladder. I arrived and started making that swan- I already know how too. I finished in two minutes. I put it on my bean bag and dug through boxes to find that diary.

Again, this is NOT my work! This is my best friend's work and I made this for her, to get her more recognition . Anyway, have a great day or night!

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