Chapter Two - The Diary

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I have been digging through boxes for at least 12 minutes. I finally found a diary. I hope it is one that has what I am looking for. I think it is! Underneath are some news articles about this girl. I grab the diary, news articles, and my computer. I head back to my office. I put the dairy and newspaper in the drawer so my mom wouldn't see me have it out on my desk. I put the paper swan over to the side. I can distract my mom if she sees me not making animals, and then I put the rest of my stuff away. I make half of an animal, so if my door makes a noise, I can pretend to work on it.

I go through the dairy. Writing cursive notes beside the writing

9/8/58 Dear Diary {Page One},

I had a weird dream last night. A strange one, I usually don't have dreams when I go to sleep.

It all started in a black room with a dinner table chair. Same room, different chair

Weird I know Maybe the chairs have different meanings

Then I am drawn towards the chair, I sit in it. The same thing happened to me

I feel something wet drop onto my head. Same!

I look up.

All I saw was blood. That scared me so bad for some reason. I knew it wasn't real at the time but when I pinched myself it hurt. I need to try that one out- Same with blood

Then a guy with a mask appears with short ginger hair. This is a different person for her

The mask was rigid at the top, fine lines where the jaw line should be and a giant smile sewed into his head, and black circles for eyes. The same mask . . .

I wasn't scared for some reason, it felt as if I had a connection with this person. I felt this same feeling but at first I didn't know how to describe it.

After I see this guy I appear in a basement, {We both appeared in an area}

I look around and it kind of looks like my mothers. That is weird. I will look for things like this.

Then having an urge to look behind me, right as a turn around I get chopped in half with an ax. We both die in this part of the story

I didn't feel pain or fear, I felt like I just had gotten betrayed. We felt different feelings.

I don't really want to write a lot of detail but I feel like someone in the future may need it.

That was the first-

CREAK! I heard my door begin to open. I flung the diary into my laundry so she wouldn't see it. I grabbed the half finished paper swan.

"Hey Maria, what are you doing," She asked me. I looked at her with a fake smile. "Just finishing this paper animal." I said as I grabbed her swan. "Here, this one is yours. I am making this one for my desk." I announced. She took the swan and left.

I read back over my notes then the original text. It all is so different but so alike. I don't get it. I thought I was so smart because I am 16, but now I realize I am so dumb. I go and grab the diary and put it back in my drawer. I know I need to do some research on the articles and this girl.

I grab the news article and it says,

!Missing Girl! Estrella Martinez

Girl recently reported missing by her mother Dianna Martinez.

She is a 12 year old girl, Mexican, long dark black hair, most of the time in a ponytail, hazel eyes, 5 '5 and skinny.

Last seen on her porch in a rocking chair with her name engraved on the side of it.

She said the rocking chair and her daughter both went missing that morning

Some words said from her mother,

"Estrella is my only daughter and I would hate it if something horrible happened to her, anyone if you can please help us find my daughter."


That is all we have for now.

That was my mothers name. What has she not been telling me, there are even more news articles. How far will this story go? It is the girl from my dreams . . . and the same rocking chair. At least now we have her name so we can do more research. Estrella Martinaz. What a beautiful name and girl. She went missing for so long.

Those words would never come out of my moms mouth. It sounds like her sarcasm. Did she have something to do with it?

So many questions but it is almost time for bed so I have to hide all of this. I think where to put it. I have the perfect idea. I grabbed my pocket knife and went under my bed. I cut a hole where she would not be able to see. I shoved all my research into there and began to get ready for bed.

It's time for another dream. I prepare myself. Pocket knife under pillow.

The Girl In The Mask (NOT MY STORY)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat