Chapter Seven - Sisters Home

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I wake up again. This time I am back at my old house. Ugh, was that a dream!? I am so mad. I wish I had that room. I pause. I am still wearing the dress. I look around and my old room is still clean. Why is this happening? I get up and try to find mom. I find her. She is eating cereal on the couch. Like normal.

She looks at me confused. "What has you all dressed up for?" She says smiling. I just stare at her. Then her face saddens like she has done something wrong. "Sweety?" I just stand there unable to move. I blink and there was my mother feeling my head. "Are you feeling alright?" I don't say anything.

I pass out. I wake up in a hospital and I look around. A random nurse appears out of nowhere. "Don't move too much." She says with a calming voice. I look at the ceiling. There is a T.V., but it's not like the ones in a dentist's office. It's in the corner of the room. It is playing Dora. I don't watch it because I have grown out of that.

My eyes seem to drift towards the T.V. The room lights turn off. The T.V. goes all staticy and the nurse turns into the girl in the mask. Almost half of the mask is gone by now.

This time she can say a full sentence. "You can save me by destroying the mask-" She gets interrupted by her "own" arm covering her mouth. The mask grows back. Disturbed I look back at the T.V. It is saying, "It is Estrella. The more you solve clues and save me. The mask will disappear and I will be back with you. The Mask is going to put you in a simulation so be prepared..

What? My mind goes blurry. I end up back in the hospital. "Oh thank goodness! We thought you wouldn't wake back up!" Yelled one of the nurses. I flinch from the loud noise. "Hey! You know loud noises are good for concussions." whisper yelled the original nurse.

I look at her shocked and confused. "I-" She interrupts me before I could even say a word. "No talking. You need to rest." I close my eyes.

BAM! Went the door and two people run in. I can't see who they are. "Oh my God is she okay?" Says my mother. "Yes she just needs some rest. She has a concussion." Says the nurse. "Oh my!" Yells a voice I don't recognize. I go to look up, but the nurse pushes my head down. "Who is that?" I say. I can finally get a word out. "Oh my." The nurse says, shaking her head. The unfamiliar voice gasps. "She might have lost her memory from the concussion." The nurse says with a frown. "Out of everyone you forget your own sister!?" She yells while starting to cry.

I pause. "ESTRELLA!?" I accidentally yell aloud. "Hey, yelling is bad!" The nurse yells. My family looks at her stupidly, but I am missing the point that my sister is here. She died 5 minutes ago. She has been dead for 20 years!

"She remembers me!" She whisper yelled. She sits beside me and holds my hand. "Nurse, may she please look at me?" My sister says. I have a feeling she is doing puppy dog eyes. The nurse sighs and nods her head. She puts her hand on my head and helps me turn it. There she is. She is the same age as in the posters.

I start to get emotional until I remember that this is a simulation. My head drifts back to the T.V. and the room becomes dark.

The T.V. flashes with 22 over and over and over. It finally stops and I appear in what seems to be a jail cell. I am surrounded by hundreds of people. I am so confused about what is happening. I start to have a seizure and then I appear back in the room where it all began.

This time it is different . There is a baby chair. Oh my- did a baby die? I sit there thinking then a little baby girl appears in a mask. Oh my God. What happened?

There is a flashback appearing in my head with these words repeating over and over. "Mom, why would you do this to me?" OVER AND OVER AND OVER. Replaying me throwing the baby out of the window.

What did I do when I was older? I never want to live for that. I wake up back in my normal life again. This is too chaotic. I will write tomorrow. I need to think.

It is another day but not another chapter. I need to figure out why everyone is having these dreams. Why are mine more chaotic? I think over and over and over. Something happens. 

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