Chapter Six - Somethings Different

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I wake up and I had a wonderful dream. I pause. What happened to the dreams? I am so confused. I go to the hole in my bed. The hole was nowhere to be seen. It wasn't a small hole. You couldn't miss it. What am I going to do? I get a whiff of . . . my favorite breakfast? I have the urge to make my bed and clean my room before I go to eat. Which isn't usual, but that's really something I kind of need to do.

I finish cleaning my room, so I get dressed. I am not too worried about the hole being missing. I wonder why? It's as if I never cared about it in the first place. I wear a nice blue dress with a white jacket and leggings. I walk down the hall with my right arm behind my back. It resembles respect and honor towards anyone you walk near. I find it weird that I did it on command. I never usually do it unless I am trying to get something out of my mom.

I enter the kitchen. There was my mom. Something is different. She looks different. She had blue instead of brown eyes. She looks more like the real mom.I wouldn't know. I look at myself, but I am still me.

"Good Morning Maria," My mom says to me with a smile. She grabs two plates and starts to prepare the food. While she is doing that I start a conversation. "How are you mother," I ask without choosing. "I'm doing great. What about you?" She says while placing the pancakes on the plate. I look up and smile. Why am I so happy? I also never call my mom mother! What is going on? "I'm doing alright. When did you get that dress?" I ask while kind of tilting my head in confusion. She places the strawberry she was holding on the counter.

She twirls making her dress spin, "I got it a few days ago. Isn't it pretty?" The dress is a dark purple fading into white roses. It is flared at the bottom and has a short slit at the side. She is wearing white leggings underneath and she is wearing these white heels with dark purple bottoms.

I look at her with a smile and say, "Of course!" She looks at my dress as she decorates the pancakes with whipped cream and multiple types of strawberry toppings.

"I like yours. I don't see you wearing it much. It brings back a lot of memories." She says while finishing the pancakes.What good memories do we have together? There is a short pause. "I made your favorite. Strawberry Shortcake Pancakes!" She says while placing the plates on the family table. We haven't eaten there in ages. After I told her about the dreams we have gone our separate ways, being rude to each other, not talking, and being rude. I ate in my bedroom and she ate in the living room.

I always believed she did that because when I went to put my plate away she always made a comment to me. Now I feel happier than ever eating with her. To be honest I felt bad after doing those things to my mom. I just felt like I needed to keep going with the missions.

I look at it now and I feel as if I don't care about the dreams. It feels as if I was just being goofy this whole time. For a quick second I remember the diaries though. Then my mind just earases it like nothing happened.

We eat without table manners. It is silent because I feel so hungry even though my stomach feels as if it is full. I haven't eaten anything so I decide to keep eating. The more I eat the more I feel different. The more bites; the more respect towards my mother. I don;t understand this feeling, but it feels like that's just how life is.

I don't remember anything last night. Only one thing; Waking up in the middle of the night to take a sip of water. Which is normal so I think nothing of it.

We both end up finishing at the same time. This may be strange to some people, but we pray after we eat. We do our prayer and I help my mom pick up the table. For the first time in FOREVER , and then we decorate the table. Nothing too strange but I do it on demand. We finish then my mom says, "Pack your purse. We are heading out." I am so confused. I also never wear a purse. I pack one anyway. I finish packing my purse and arrive at the- The car is not there. I am confused. Did she leave without me? She then arrives. She looks so pretty. She did her hair and had this white balenciaga purse. She says, "Oh. Our lemo may be late."

"OUR LEMO!? WHEN DID WE GET MONEY!?" I scream not realizing.I get on my knees and beg for forgiveness, feeling like I have just done the rudest thing in the world. "Oh I just felt like doing something different." She said with a smile. The lemo arrives. My mother and I enter with our best manners. We are riding to, I don't know where, but I am afraid to ask.

We arrive at this gorgeous house. It is white with big windows. And it looks about 3 stories. The second story there is a bae window. I am so jealous. I zone out thinking about the house.

"Maria. I have something to tell you." She says with a blank look on her face. I seem scared but I am so confused. "Yes mother?" I say hesitant. She shows a big smile. Teeth and everything. "This is our new house." My heart drops. I can't help myself and I say, "Oh my! Thank you! Thank you!" I get interrupted. "You know you always wanted a bae window?" I look at her like my heart is about to pop out of my eye sockets. "Yeah . ." I say while beaming and looking into her gleaming eyes. "That ones your room!"

I faint.

I wake up. I look around and I am under the bae window. "Oh thank goodness you woke up! You passed out from the excitement." My mother says with a worried look on her face. Then she pauses. "Well, I hope you passed out because of the excitement. Oh, I meant that I would rather you not pass out." She says like she messed up big time.

I can't even reply. I catch myself looking around the room. The room is the size of my old kitchen, chandeliers on the ceiling, an office big enough for 30 people to work, a giant bathroom with tub, shower, 3 sinks, and a giant vanity, there is a closet the size of my old room (I had the biggest room in the house), and a room with a volleyball court.

Stunned, I mutter, "Thank you!" My mother nods and waves at the door. Here comes a bunch of guys loading in big pieces of brand new never used furniture. Here comes my big dream.

Something happens . . . 

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